Science degree, academic title: Doctor of Science, Professor
Year of birth:
– Civil engineer technologist(1992, specialty“Production of building products and structures”,Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute);
– Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD 2003, specialty “Building materials and products”, dissertation“A glued wood beam heightened cracking resistance”defended at the Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute , scientific supervisor –DSc, Prof A.M. Plugin);
– Docent (Associate Professor, 2005, Building Materials and Structures Department);
– Doctor of technical sciences (DSc, 2014, specialty “Building materials and products”, dissertation“Development of theory of electro-corrosion of flooding constructions and development of materials with electro-corrosion resistance and methods of protection“defended at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, scientific advisor –DSc, Prof A.M. Plugin, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukraine)
Scientific activity direction:
Main directions of scientific research: physico-chemical researches of organic and inorganic building materials and the processes of their creation and corrosion; development of polymer composite materials; researches of electro-corrosion effects on the structures and constructions of railways and development of measures to protect against them.
Author of 120 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 12 patents.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
Основы теории твердения, прочности, разрушения и долговечности портландцемента, бетона и конструкций из них. Монография в 3-х тт. Т.2. Теория твердения портландцемента / А.Н. Плугин., А.А. Плугин, О.А. Калинин, С.В. Мирошниченко, Д.А. Плугин, О.С. Кагановський, О.А. Плугін, О.В. Градобоев; Под ред. А.Н. Плугина. – К.: Наук. думка, 2012. − 224 с.
Основы теории твердения, прочности, разрушения и долговечности портландцемента, бетона и конструкций из них: Монография в 3-х тт. Т.3. Теория прочности, разрушения и долговечности бетона, железобетона и конструкций из них / А.Н. Плугин, А.А. Плугин, О.А. Калинин, С.В. Мирошниченко, Д.А. Плугин, А.С. Кагановский, Ал.А. Плугин, О.В. Градобоев, О.С. Борзяк; Под ред. А.Н. Плугина. – К.: Наук. думка, 2012. − 288 с.