Employees of the BMKS department

Doctor of Science, Professor
Plugin DmytroQualification: – Civil engineer technologist (1992, specialty “Production of building products and structures”, Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute);
Main directions of scientific research:
physico-chemical researches of organic and inorganic building materials and the processes of their creation and corrosion; development of polymer composite materials; researches of electro-corrosion effects on the structures and constructions of railways and development of measures to protect against them.
Author of 120 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 12 patents.
email: plugin.da@gmail.com
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-63

DSc (Chem), Professor Emeritus
Plugin Arkadiy N.Doctor of Chemical Sciences since 1989. He defended his dissertation in the specialized academic council at the Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry named after A.V. Dumansky Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, majoring in “Colloidal Chemistry”. Dissertation topic “Electroheterogeneous interactions during hardening of cement binders”.
The direction of scientific activity: development of the theory of hardening, strength and durability of building materials and structures, development of new materials and technologies on this basis.
Author of more than 320 scientific works and educational and methodological developments. Has more than 30 copyright certificates and patents.
email: plugin_am@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-63

Dr.Sci.Eng., Professor
Liudmyla TRYKOZ– Doctor of Engineering Science (2015, specialty «Building materials and products», thesis «theory of excess electrical charge and materials and constructions strength retaining methods development in presence of the charges» was defended in the specialized academic council D 64.820.02;
– Professor (2018, Department of Building Materials and Structures).
Main research fields: :
research of the structure and properties of disperse systems and materials; development in the field of waste utilization in the production of building materials; diagnostics of the condition and fixing the soils of the bases and the roadbed.
Author of 180 scientific and methodological works.
email: TRYKOZ_LV@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-68

Doctor of Engineering Science, Associate Professor
Borziak OlgaDoctor of Engineering Science (2022, speciality “Building materials and products”, thesis “Regulation of contact interactions to increase the resistance under operating conditions of materials based on mineral binders” defended at the Specialized Scientific Board D 64.820.02, the scientific consultant А.A.Plugin)
Main research fields:
physico-chemical studies of building materials, their creation and corrosion processes, studies of electro-corrosive effects on railway structures and structures, and development of measures to protect them
The author of more than 110 scientific papers, including 7 monographs, 4 patents for inventions; 6 educational and methodological developments, including one training manual, regulatory and guidance documents for railway transport
email: borziak@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-63

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Branch research laboratory "Subrail bases and special reinforced concrete"
Kalinin Oleh– Candidate of Technical Sciences (1996, specialty “Building Materials and constructions”, dissertation ” Concrete Consist and Concrete Structure Improvement for Reinforced Concrete Products Crackstability Increasing” protected in the specialized scientific council D 02.07.03 at the Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute, scientific supervisor , scientific supervisor A.M. Plugin, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of UkrDUZT);
– docent (2002, Department of Building Materials, Structures and buildings)
Main areas of research:
research and improvement of the composition and structure of concrete to increase its water resistance and crack resistance; ensuring the reliability and durability of concrete and reinforced concrete construction of buildings and structures.
Author of more than 60 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 10 patents for inventions; 6 educational and methodical developments, including one tutorial, regulatory (DSTU, DBN, GBN, TU) and guidance documents for rail transport.
email: kalinin@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-68

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Branch research laboratory "Corrosion and corrosion protection of railway structures" (GNLD-60)
Miroshnichenko SergiiCandidate of Technical Sciences (1999, specialty “Building Materials and constructions”, dissertation ” Compositions on the basis of cement, KVS and high quality resins for sealing and treatment of cracks and joints” protected in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.02
Main areas of research:
development of structural and technological solutions for repair and reinforcement of concrete, reinforced concrete and stone structures of buildings and structures and increasing their durability
Author of more than 70 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 10 patents for inventions; 6 educational and methodical developments, including one tutorial, regulatory (DSTU, TU) and guidance documents for rail transport.
email: Miroshnichenko@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-64

PhD, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean
Nykytynskyi AndriiCandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Winner of the competition “Best Young Scientist of Kharkiv Region – 2007”, certified as a technical expert for the inspection of buildings and structures
Scope of scientific research:
– The improvement of the injection solutions and injection technology for concrete and stone structures in the repair and reinforcement of engineering structures; inspection and testing of engineering structures.
Author of more than 20 scientific papers, 3 product patents; 7 educational and methodical papers, including 1 text book with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regulatory and guidance documents for railway transport.
email: NykytynskyiAV@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-63

PhD, Associate Professor
Herasymenko OlehСivil engineer (2002, speciality «Railway facilities and track facilities», UkrSART);
PhD (2009, speciality «Building materials and products », PhD thesis «Increased penetration and strength of the liquid glass» defended at the Specialized Scientific Board D 64.056.04, the research advisor А.M.PLugin, Dr.Chem.Sci, Professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor UkrSURТ);
Аssociate Professor (2012, Building materials and Structures Department).
Main research fields:
perfection of silicate solutions and technology of chemical anchoring of soil of bases and subgrade, methods for diagnosing the condition of ground of bases and subgrade, design of basis and foundations.
Author of 30 scientific and methodological works.
email: gerasimenko.OS@kart.edu.ua
GoogleScholar : GoogleScholar

PhD, Associate Professor
Liutyi VitaliiPhD (2007, specialty “Building Materials and Products”, the thesis “Repetitive fast-running creep of rubble masonry of bridge supports under mechanoelectric action” defended in the specialized scientific council D 64.056.04, scientific supervisor AM Plugin, d.h. Prof., Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of UkrDUZT);
Main areas of research: investigation of long-term cyclic mechanical actions on concrete, reinforced concrete and stone structures of engineering structures; development of structural and technological solutions for repair and strengthening of structures of engineering structures; inspection and testing of engineering structures.
Author of more than 25 scientific works, including 8 product patents; 8 educational and methodical developments, incl. 2 manuals with the Ministry of Education and Science, regulatory and guidance documents for rail transport.
email: LYTIJ_VA@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-65

PhD, Associate Professor
Pluhin OleksiiCandidate of Technical Sciences (PhD, 2010, specialty “Building Materials and Products”, dissertation “The influence of direct current on the concrete of flooded structures located near electrified railway tracks” defended in the Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture, scientific supervisor Oleh Kalinin, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Building Materials, Structures and Structures of UkrSURT);
The direction of scientific activity: research of the effect of direct current on concrete, constructions made of it and railway constructions, development of methods of protection against electrical corrosion; improvement of production technology and properties of composite building materials.
The author of more than 70 scientific works and educational and methodological developments, 9 patents for inventions, 2 patents for a useful model.
email: pluhin_bmg@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-70