Employees of the BMKS department

Romanenko Oleksandr

PhD, Associate Professor

Romanenko Oleksandr

Candidate of Technical Sciences (2013, specialty “Building Materials and Products”, dissertation “Particularly fast-curing non-steaming concrete for the manufacture of concrete sleepers without heat treatment” defended in the specialized scientific council D 64.056.04, scientific supervisor AA Plugin Prof., Professor, Head of the Department of Building Materials, Structures and Structures of UkrDUZT);

The main area of ​​research: improvement of concrete structures with chemical additives to reduce energy consumption in the production of precast concrete and the development of a steam-free technology for its production, evaluation of technical condition and design of buildings and structures.

Author of more than 30 scientific works, including 3 patents; 3 educational and methodological developments, normative and guidance documents for railway transport.

Partala Nataliya

Head of the Educational Laboratory

Partala Nataliya
Zvierieva Alina

PhD, Associate Professor, Specialist of the dean's office

Zvierieva Alina

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2021. She defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council Д64.820.02 in the specialty 05.23.05 – construction materials and products. The subject of the thesis was “Polymer-mineral composites with adjustable deformation properties for reinforced concrete transport structures bases”. Scientific adviser – Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Miroshnichenko Sergii.

Research area: Ensuring the stability of reinforced concrete transport structures bases, regulation of deformation properties of polymer-mineral compositions for bases.

16 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments.

Zinchenko Vladyslava

PhD student, Specialist of the Rreparatory Department

Zinchenko Vladyslava

In 2011 she graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, majoring in “Industrial and Civil Engineering”, qualification of civil engineer.
In 2013 she received a diploma of retraining in “Finance and Credit” and qualified as a specialist in finance and credit at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport.