Position: PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Branch research laboratory "Subrail bases and special reinforced concrete" (BRL-6)
Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1963
Railway engineer – builder (1985, specialty “Construction of railways, track and track facilities”, Kharkiv Institute of Railway Engineers);
– Candidate of Technical Sciences (1996, specialty “Building Materials and constructions”, dissertation ” Concrete Consist and Concrete Structure Improvement for Reinforced Concrete Products Crackstability Increasing” protected in the specialized scientific council D 02.07.03 at the Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute, scientific supervisor , scientific supervisor A.M. Plugin, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of UkrDUZT);
– docent (2002, Department of Building Materials, Structures and buildings)
Scientific activity direction:
Main areas of research: research and improvement of the composition and structure of concrete to increase its water resistance and crack resistance; ensuring the reliability and durability of concrete and reinforced concrete construction of buildings and structures.
Author of more than 60 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 10 patents for inventions; 6 educational and methodical developments, including one tutorial, regulatory (DSTU, DBN, GBN, TU) and guidance documents for rail transport.