Ponomarenko Vitaliy

Position: senior lecturer

Science degree, academic title:

Year of birth: 1978


In 2000 Ponomarenko V.E. graduated from  Kharkov State Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda in the specialty “The English language,the Ukrainian language and literature”.

Scientific activity direction:

problems of technical translation


of 13 scientific publications and teaching materials. In the framework of scientific and methodological work Ponomarenko V.E. published 9 scientific-methodological and educational-methodical developments and 5 of them were educational and methodical works.

Awards and diplomas:

Featured publications:

  1. Study guides:
    1. Ponomarenko V.Ye. Metodichni vkazivki z rozvitku navichok riznih vidiv profesijno oriyentovanogo chitannya za temoyu «Elektrichni sistemi ta kompleksi transportnih zasobiv» dlya studentiv II kursu mehanichnogo fakultetu / V. Ye. Ponomarenko, K. V. Ponomarenko – Harkiv : UkrDAZT, 2012. – 34 s.
    2. Ponomarenko V.Ye, Bereznij V.M. Metodichni vkazivki z rozvitku analitichnogo chitannya za tvorom E. Potter “POLLYANNA”dlya studentiv 1 kursu fakultetu NNCGO (anglijska mova) / Ponomarenko V.Ye, Bereznij V.M. – Harkiv: UkrDAZT, 2017. – 35s.
    3. Ponomarenko V.Ye, Bereznij V.M. Metodichni vkazivki z rozvitku analitichnogo chitannya za tvorom Conan Doyle “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (anglijska mova) dlya studentiv filologiv 1 kursu fakultetu NNCGO) / Ponomarenko V.Ye, Bereznij V.M. – Harkiv: UkrDAZT, 2017. –35s.

    Publication, participation in conferences and seminars:

    1. Ponomarenko V.Ye. Nova sistema pidgotovki fahivciv novoyi generaciyi // Tezi dopovidej naukovo-metodichnoyi konferenciyi kafedr akademiyi. – H.: UkrDUZT, 2017
    2. Ponomarenko V.Ye. ADHESION PROPERTIES OF RECYCLING GREASES. journal Pet Coal (2019); №61(5) rr 918-923 ISSN 1337-7027

The main subjects that teaches are:

NumberDisciplineEducation Program/Higher Education Level
1EnglishAccounting, audit and taxation of commercial activities
2Business EnglishEnergy and environmental control and auditing