Nataliia Sorochuk
Position: assistant
Science degree, academic title:
Year of birth: 1977
In 1999 she graduated from Kharkiv State Automobile and Road Technical University with a degree in “Applied ecology” With a professional qualification “environmental engineer
Scientific activity direction:
Scientific Activity Direction: engineering surveys in the design of transportation routes, methods for surface runoff purification using modern filtering materials, land monitoring and rational use of land resources.
Professional Development Information:
- Certificate for completing the professional training course for cost estimation specialists on the topic: “Determination of the cost of design and survey works,” dated 08.11.2019, serial number: UA1903E-366, “Computer Logic Group,” Kharkiv.
- Professional development certificate № 005 dated 27.12.2019, issued by the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Research and Production Institute of Engineering and Technical Environmental Surveys UkrNDIINTV,” State Geodetic Department, Kharkiv.
- Certificate for completing the course “Academic Integrity: An Online Course for Teachers” (60 hours/2 ECTS credits), issued on 02.10.2021, from the Prometheus massive open online course platform, Center for Quality Assurance in Education, NaUKMA.
- Certificate AA № 3397 dated 11.02.2022 for successful participation in a series of educational webinars on scientometrics for professional development titled “International Experience in the Publication Sphere. Successful Publications in Scopus and Web of Science” (30 hours/1 ECTS credit), Scientific Publication of Ukraine.
- Professional development certificate НВ № 02071100-0028-22 dated 31.05.2022, for the program “Geodesy and Land Management” (900 hours/30.0 ECTS credits), National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic,” Poltava.
- Certificate № 4150002726 for participation in the “Yedyni” project and successful completion of the “Ukrainian Language Grammar Course,” online format (60 hours/2 ECTS credits), issued on 11.03.2024, the project implemented by the “Teach in Ukrainian” initiative, part of the “Ukrainian Humanitarian Platform.”
- Certificate № ОК f121a4c191d44424a5694c6b87806850 for successful completion and professional development during the online course “Language Management in Education and Communication Strategies” through the educational platform “E-mova” (54 hours/1.75 ECTS credits), issued on 25.03.2024, NGO “Ukrainian World,” Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
Author of over 60 scientific works and educational-methodical developments, including 2 textbooks, 9 articles published in journals indexed in international scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science.
over 60 scientific works and educational-methodological developments, including 2 textbooks and 9 articles published in journals indexed in international scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
1 Models of Long Term Forecasting of Surface Waters State in Reconstruction of Highway, / Ye. Ugnenko, N. Sorochuk, O. Gubareva // Procedia Engineering 134, Transbaltica 2015: proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference, Vilnus Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2016, pp.139-145, DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.01.050. URL:
2 Study of Treatment Efficiency of Wastewater Collected from the Surface of Roads by Natural Zeolite / E.B. Ugnenko, V.O. Yurchenko, N.I. Sorochuk, О.G. Melnikovа, Gintas Viselga // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), 2019, 708 (1), article number 012035, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/708/1/012035. URL:
3 Innovative Geoinformation Systems for the Design of Communication Paths / Yevheniia Ugnenko, Olha Tymchenko, Elena Uzhviieva, Nataliia Sorochuk, Gintas Viselga // Environmental Engineering: 11th International Conference, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2020, Article ID: enviro.2020.693, DOI:10.3846/enviro.2020.693. URL:
4 Simulation modeling of the automobile braking system performance / Gintas Viselga, Yevheniia Ugnenko, Olha Tymchenko, Elena Uzhviieva, Nataliia Sorochuk // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1021(1), article number 012051, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1021/1/012051. URL:
5 Research of Geographical Information Systems of Graded Transport Flow Networks of Ukraine / Yevheniia Ugnenko, Elena Uzhviieva, Nataliia Sorochuk, Yevhen Korostelov, Gintas Viselga // International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology, TRANSBALTICA 2019, Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure, 2021, pp. 568–577. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94774-3_56. URL:
6 Streets and Urban Roads Surface Runoff Problems: A Case Study in the Poltava City, Ukraine, / Iryna Tkachenko; Tetyana Lytvynenko; Lina Hasenko; Nataliia Sorochuk // International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology, TRANSBALTICA 2022: TRANSBALTICA XIII: Transportation Science and Technology, Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure, 2022, pp 576–585. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25863-3_55. URL:
7 Innovative Methods of Using Laser Scanning and Geoinformation Systems for Design of Communication Routes / Sergii Panchenko, Ievgeniia Ugnenko; Valentina Yurchenko, Elena Uzhviieva; Nataliia Sorochuk; Yevhen Korostelov / 12th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, Transportation Science and Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, April 27–28, 2023, article number: enviro.2023.843, DOI: 10.3846/enviro.2023.843. URL:
8 Geoinformation systems design of repairs of connection roads on the basis of laser scanning / Ievgeniia Ugnenko; Elena Uzhviieva; Nataliia Sorochuk; Valentina Yurchenko; Gintas Viselga // AIP Conference ProceedingsThis link is disabled., AIP Conf. Proc. 2684, 020012 (2023), DOI: 10.1063/5.0121327. URL:
9 Application of Laser Technologies for Scanning Communication Routes While Restoring the Infrastructure of Ukraine / Sergii Panchenko, Yevgeniia Ugnenko, Elena Uzhviieva, Yevhen Korostelov, Nataliia Sorochuk // International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology, TRANSBALTICA 2023: TRANSBALTICA XIV: Transportation Science and Technology, Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure, 2024, pp 3–11. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-52652-7_1. URL:
10 Геодезичні дослідження при визначенні зсувних процесів на ділянках шляхів сполучення у гірській місцевості: Навч. посібник / Угненко Є.Б.,Тимченко О.М., Ужвієва О.М., Орел Є.Ф., Сорочук Н.І. – Київ: Видавничий дім «Кондор», 2019. – 184 с. URL:
11 Навчальна геодезична практика: Навч. посібник, 2-ге вид. / Угненко Є.Б., Шевченко А.О., Ужвієва О.М., Коростельов Є.М., Бєлікова Н.В., Сорочук Н.І. — Київ: Видавничий дім «Кондор», 2024. — 228 с. URL:
12 Розвиток адміністративно-територіального устрою України як відповідь на мілітарні виклики / Шарий Г.І., Угненко Є.Б., Сорочук Н.І. , Коростельов Є.М., Ужвієва О.М., Шевченко А.О. // Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, Харків, 2023. – Вип. 206 – с. 129-138. URL:
13 Інженерно-геодезичні вишукування. Геометричне нівелювання траси / Угненко Є. Б., Шарий Г. І., Ужвієва О. М., Коростельов Є. М., Сорочук Н. І., Шевченко А. О., Бєлікова А. О. // Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, Харків, 2024. – Вип. 208 – с. 92-105. URL:
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Land Management Soil Science and Landscape Studies | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
2 | Rational Use of Land Resources | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
3 | Land Reclamation | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
4 | Land Monitoring and Land Resource Use Forecasting | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
5 | Estimation in Land Management Works | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
6 | Engineering Surveys | Industrial and civil construction |
7 | Fundamentals of Geodesy | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |