Svetlana Kamchatnaya
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor
Year of birth:
In 1996, graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport (KharDAZT) with a specialty in “Railway construction, track and track management” in 1998 graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport (KharDAZT) with a specialty in “Accounting and Audit” in 2020 graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O.M. Beketova majored in “Geodesy and land management” in 2021 graduated from the Kharkiv National University named after V.M. Karazina, majoring in “Physics and Astronomy”
Candidate of technical sciences since 2006. Defended dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.02 on the specialty 05.23.05 – construction materials and products.
Dissertation topic “Long-term creep and concretes with low deformability”. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Plugin А.M.
Scientific activity direction:
Optimizing the composition of concrete taking into account long-term processes, research on high-temperature superconductivity.
Author of more than 125 scientific works, including one monograph, 12 patents for inventions and utility models, 40 articles in publications included in the international scientific and metric databases SCOPUS and WOS and several regulatory documents; 25 educational and methodological developments, including 2 teaching aids with the UkrDUZT seal.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
1. Effective waterproofing of railway culvert pipes / Trykoz L, Kamchatnaya S., Pustovoitova O., Atynian A., Saiapin O. / / Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering 2019/14(4), p. 473-483. ( )
2. Stress-strained state of steel-adhesive bonding on the acrylic adhesives / Zolotov S.; Pustovoitova O.; Firsov P.; Kais, Husain; Kamchatna S. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 8th International Scientific Conference on Reliability and Durability of Railway Transport Engineering Structures and Buildings, TRANSBUD 2019. Kharkiv. 2019, 708 (1), article number 012117 (
3. Fiberglass coating of railway culvert pipes / Trykoz L., Pustovoitova O., Kamchatna S., Semenova-Kulish V. Transport Means – Proceedings of the International Conference, 24 th International Scientific Conference on Transport Means, 2020, Kaunas 30 September 2020, pp. 442-445 ( )
4. Атінян А.О., Буханова К.С., Трікоз Л.В., Камчатна С.М. Дослідження впливу тонкодисперсного вермикулітового порошку на структуру гіпсового в’яжучого методом електронної мікроскопії // Зб. пр.- Харків: УкрДАЗТ – 2019.-Віп.188. –С. 6-15. ( )
5. Evolution of over-conductivity of YВа2Сu3О7-δ single crystals under the exposure of irradiation by high-energy electrons / Azarenkov N., Voyevodin V., Vovk R., Vovk N., Khadzhai G., Kamchatnaya S. // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (2020) 126(2) 9-15. ( )
6. Protection of railway infrastructure objects against electrical corrosion / Trykoz, L., Borodin, D., Kamchatna S., Atynian, A., Tkachenko, R. // Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2021, 68(5), стор. 380-384. ( )
7. High-pressure effects on basal-plane conductivity of YPrBCO single crystals /Khadzhai G.Ya., Kamchatna S.M., Korobkov M.V., Necheporenko Ya.V., Vovk R.V., Dobrovolskiy O.V. Current Applied Physics, 2022, 39, pp. 311–316 (
8. Estimation for the accumulated errors in determining the road grade to improve the accuracy of a geodetic survey / Mamonov, K., Orel, Y., Saiapin, O., Kamchatna S., Borodin, D. // Survey Review, 2022, 54 (384), pp. 274-280. ( )
9. Point disposition of the conditional benchmark network and the railway curve elements / Mamonov K., Saiapin O., Orel Y., Kamchatna S., Pustovoitova O. Survey Review, 2023, v. 55 (391), pp. 378 – 383 (
10. The effect of medium doses electron irradiation on the scattering of charge carriers in YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal / Khadzhai, G.Ya., Goulatis I., Chroneos A., Kislitsa M.V., Kamchatna S.M., Feher A., Vovk R.V. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v. 35 (17), 17 June 2024, Article number 1152 (
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Physics | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |