Antonova Viktoria
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1975
In the year of 1998, she graduated from the Foreign Languages Department of Kharkiv State University (specialty: philologist, teacher of English language and literature, and French language, translator).
In 2011, she defended thesis before the specialized board D 52.051.05 of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky in specialty 10.01.04. “Literature of foreign countries”. She reviews author’s abstracts of theses in the specialized board D 52.051.05 of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Field of scientific activity: British folklore, English literature, comparative literary studies, linguistic and ethnographic aspects of scientific and technical terminology
Scientific activity direction:
British folklore, English literature, comparative literary studies, linguistic and ethnographic aspects of scientific and technical terminology
Author of 37 scientific publications and teaching materials.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Antonova V. F. Istoricheskij aspekt poem V. Skotta. Zbirnik naukovih prac Poltavskogo nacionalnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni V.G.Korolenka. Seriya «Filologichni nauki». –Poltava, 2015 – Vipusk 21 – S. 25–30
- Antonova V.F/ Neshko S.I.. Folklornaya tradiciya kak istochnik intertekstualnogo zaimstvovaniya v anglijskoj literature. Naukovi zapiski HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi. Seriya: «Literaturoznavstvo». Harkiv : HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi, 2018. Vip. 2 (88). s. 6-16
- Antonova V. F., Neshko S. I. Transformaciya zhanrovogo kanona v proizvedeniyah V.Skotta i poetov-«lejkistov». Visnik Harkivskogo nacionalnogo universitetu im. V. N. Karazina. Seriya «Filologiya». Harkiv : HNU im. V. N. Karazina, 2017. Vip. 76. S. 121–125
- Neshko S. I., Antonova V. F. Princip organizaciyi prostoro-chasovogo kontiniuma britanskoyi charivno yi kazki. Naukovi zapiski HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi. Seriya: «Literaturoznavstvo». Harkiv : HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi, 2017. Vip. 2 (86). S. 21–28
- V. F. Antonova , S.I . Neshko Skazochnaya tradiciya v tvorchestve V. Skotta i poetov-«lejkistov» Naukovi zapiski HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi. Seriya: «Literaturoznavstvo». Harkiv : HNPU im. G. S. Skovorodi, 2019. Vip. 2 (86). s.8-18