Volodymyr Stefanov
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Research
Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1983
In 2005 he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in “Lifting and transport, construction, road reclamation machines and equipment.”
PhD since 2014. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 in the specialty 05.22.20 – Operation and repair of vehicles. The topic of the dissertation: “Increasing the durability of hydraulic units of railway vehicles by intensifying the formation of the lubricating layer.” Scientific adviser – D.Sc., Professor S. Voronin.
Scientific activity direction:
Increase of durability of hydraulic units of vehicles, development of microprocessor electronic systems of diagnostics and control, improvement of tribological properties of lubricants.
more than 50 scientific works, educational and methodical developments. Obtained 5 patents.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Voronin S.V. The Study of the predominant defect development in rails of underground systems after preventive grinding and lubrication / S. Voronin, O. Skoryk, V. Stefanov, D. Onopreychuk, Ye. Korostelov// Transbud – 2017. – MATEC Web of Conferences 116, 03005 (2017).
- A study of the effect of electrostatic processing on performance characteristics of axle oil / P. Konovalov, S. Voronin, D. Onopreychuk, V. Stefanov and oth. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – Vol. 1, № 1(91), 2018. – pp. 4-12.
- Study of the process of lubricant application on the friction surface using aerosol lubricators / S. Voronin, I. Hrunyk, B. Asadov, V. Stefanov, D. Onopreychuk // International Journal of Engineering & Technology. – 7 (4.3), 2018. – pp. 20-24.
- Reduction of construction duration by improving the anti-wear properties of power fluids in hydraulic drives of earth-moving machines / S. Voronin, D. Onopreychuk, V. Stefanov, Ye. Bashkatov, V. Panchenko // International Journal of Engineering & Technology. – 7 (4.3), 2018. – pp. 105-109.
- Determining the influence of carbon black in oil on the wear resistance of elements in the tribological system “steel – oil – bronze” / S. Voronin, O. Suranov, D. Onopreichuk, V. Stefanov, S. Kryvonogov and oth. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – Vol. 2, № 12(98), 2019. – pp. 51-58.
- The Impact of Two-Layer Lubrication Parameters on the Service Life of Railway Rails / S. Voronin, V. Stefanov, D. Onopreichuk, A. Babenko, E. Pavlova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 708(1), 012039.
- Establishing a pattern in the influence of two-layer greasing on the wear resistance of rails / S. Voronin, B. Asadov, D. Onopreichuk, V. Stefanov, I. Hrunyk and oth. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2020, 3(1-105), pp. 85–91.
- Effect of Concentration and Type of Liquid Crystal Additive on Tribological Characteristics of Industrial Oils / S.V. Voronin, V.A. Stefanov, D.V. Onopreichuk, I.Y. Safoniuk, N.N. Anoshkina // Journal of Friction and Wear, 2020, 41(4), pр. 365–369.
- Influence of temperature and concentration of additives on the lubricity of track machine oils / S. Voronin, V. Stefanov, D. Onopreichuk, O. Ovchynnikov, O. Pashchenko // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1021(1), 012055.
- Експлуатаційні випробування пристрою для електростатичної обробки моторної оливи / С.В. Воронін, В.О. Стефанов, О.С. Харківський // Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. – Харків: Укр-ДУЗТ, 2022. – Вип. 200. – С.11-24.
- Основи автоматизації будівельних, дорожніх і вантажно-розвантажувальних машин. Навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / О. В. Суранов, В. О. Сефанов, О. О. Суранов ; Укр. держ. акад. залізн. трансп. – Х. : УкрДАЗТ, 2011. – 146 с. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України (№1/11-11239 від 09.12.2010).
- Пат. 105616 Україна, МПК C01B 31/02. Пристрій для отримання наночасток вуглецю електродуговим способом / С. В. Воронін, О. В. Суранов, Д. В. Онопрейчук, О. О. Суранов, Д. О. Суранов, В. О. Стефанов ; власник Українська державна академія залізничного транспорту. – № 201311540 ; заявл. 30.09.2013 ; опублік. 26.05.2014, Бюл. № 10. – 7 с.