About the department


Plugin Dmytro

Doctor of Science, Professor

корпус 1, поверх 1, кабінет 126


Higher education – training of bachelors and masters in fields of knowledge, specialties, educational programs:

Field of knowledge – 19 Architecture and construction

Specialty – 192 Construction and civil engineering

Educational programs: Industrial and civil construction (PCB)

Expertise and management of construction and operation of buildings and structures (EU)

Construction management

Construction and operation of engineering structures of railway transport (BES)

Postgraduate studies, doctoral studies for obtaining the scientific degrees of candidate of technical sciences and doctor of technical sciences in the specialty 05.23.05 Construction materials and products, doctor of philosophy and doctor of sciences in the specialty 192 Construction and civil engineering

Implementation of research results and construction activities:

examination and diagnosis of the technical condition of buildings and structures;
design and research works;
repair and construction works (research and experimental).