Educational and methodical work of the department
Head of Department
Olena H. KirdinaHead of Department of Accounting and Audit,Doctor of Economics, Professor
Educational and methodical work of the department
During their studies, students study the following professional disciplines:
1st semester 2020-2021 academic year
Specialty 071 – “Accounting and Taxation” (educational level one (bachelor)):
Accounting / for accounting specialty /
Entry to the profession
Reporting of enterprises
Information systems and technologies in accounting
Accounting and reporting in taxation
Accounting in budgetary institutions
Features of accounting for rail transport
Financial accounting I
Second level of education (master)
Accounting and financial reporting according to international standards
Accounting and analytical support of economic security of the enterprise
Business taxation
Management information systems in accounting, analysis and audit
Financial analysis
Specialty 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” (educational level first (bachelor))
Accounting for rail transport
Specialty 075 “Marketing” (second level of education (master))
Accounting and taxation in the field of services
Specialty 275 “Transport Technologies” (educational level one (bachelor))
Fundamentals of transport economics
2nd semester 2019-2020 academic year:
Specialty 071 – “Accounting and Taxation” Educational level one (bachelor)
Accounting / for accounting specialty /
Internal control at the enterprises of the railway complex
FEA accounting
Accounting in banks
Accounting policy of the enterprise
Taxation of business transactions
Features of accounting in the sectors of the national economy
Financial accounting I
Accounting policy and organization of accounting at the enterprises of the railway complex
Financial accounting II
Second level of education (master)
Organization of accounting
Specialty 073 “Management” (educational level one (bachelor))
Accounting and taxation on rail transport
Staff audit
051 “Economy”
072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”
073 “Management”
075 “Marketing”
076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities
281 “Public administration and administration (educational level one (bachelor))
Accounting / for economic specialties, except accounting /
The staff of the department provides the educational process with textbooks, textbooks and methodological developments for practical and control work.