Educational and methodical work of the department


Plugin Dmytro

Doctor of Science, Professor

корпус 1, поверх 1, кабінет 126

The results of fundamental and applied research and development are published in scientific monographs:Educational and methodical work of the departmentEducational and methodical work of the departmentEducational and methodical work of the departmentEducational and methodical work of the departmentEducational and methodical work of the department

Educational and methodical work of the departmentFundamentals of the theory of hardening, strength, destruction and durability of Portland cement, concrete and structures made of them.

Vol.1 Colloidal chemistry and physical-chemical mechanics of cement concrete

The monograph examines the provisions, theories and laws of colloid chemistry, physical-chemical mechanics of disperse systems and materials as applied to cement concretes and the structures of them. It is known that the properties of cement stone, concrete and structures made of it are determined by the highly dispersed component of cement stone – the products of cement hydration, for which many regularities of colloidal chemistry and physical-chemical mechanics are observed. In addition to the traditional concepts, the authors developed new ideas about electro-surface phenomena and interactions, including for dispersed systems with oppositely charged particles of the dispersed phase and surfaces, which corresponds to cement paste, stone and concrete. On this basis, it is possible to analyze processes more deeply and objectively, to reveal on a quantitative basis the actual mechanisms of hardening, strength, destruction and durability of Portland cement, concrete and structures made from them, as well as to control them.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentFundamentals of the theory of hardening, strength, destruction and durability of Portland cement, concrete and structures made of them.

Vol.2 Theory of hardening of Portland cement.

The monograph outlines the fundamentals of the theory of electroheterogeneous hardening of portlandcement, which is a further development and deepening of the theory of hydration structure formation of P.A. Rehbinder. Instead of phase contacts that affect the strength of hardening cement stone, based on the theory of electroheterogeneous hardening, electroheterogeneous contacts between opposite-ly charged surfaces of crystalline hydrates and calcium hydrosilicates are consi-dered. The elementary processes that make up the mechanism of hardening of portlandcement are described, their quantitative characteristics are given.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentFundamentals of the theory of hardening, strength, destruction and durability of Portland cement, concrete and structures made of them.

Vol.3 Theory of strength, destruction and durability of concrete, reinforced concrete and structures of them

The monograph presents a critical analysis of the traditional provisions and theories of the resistance of materials, fracture mechanics, concrete science about the structure, strength, deformation, destruction of solids. A new quantitative theory of strength, destruction, durability of portlandcement stone and concrete, based on the authors’ developed provisions of colloid chemistry and physical-chemical mechanics of dispersed systems and materials, in particular, on the concepts of electro-surface potentials, properties, phenomena and interactions.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentElectrical effects on concrete (electrical treatment and protection against electrocorrosion of concrete, products and structures made of them)

The monograph is devoted to the development of ideas about electrical effects on concrete, in particular, the destructive effect on concrete of operated structures and the constructive modifying effect on concrete mix or cement, and their application in the technology of production and protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from electrocorrosion. On the basis of colloidal chemistry and physicochemical mechanics of dispersed systems and materials, physical and mathematical models of these processes have been developed, which are in good agreement with experimental data and have made it possible to solve urgent scientific and technical problems: protection against electrocorrosion of concrete and increasing the durability of structures and structures on sections of railways electrified with direct current; saving energy resources due to the electrical activation of the concrete mixture or cement, which ensures the production of aerated concrete without autoclaving, the achievement of low-clinker composite cement of the quality indicators of portland cement without additives

Educational and methodical work of the departmentModern building materials and structural systems for the construction of affordable housing and infrastructure

The work is devoted to the creation of theoretical, experimental and methodological foundations of modern building materials and structural systems for the construction of affordable housing and infrastructure facilities. The monograph develops the physicochemical and thermodynamic foundations of the synthesis of minerals and their hydration to obtain an artificial stone with desired properties, the position of colloid chemistry and physicochemical mechanics of mineral binders and composite materials. Methods have been developed for intensifying the hardening of mineral binders and composite materials, a methodology for the multi-parameter design of their compositions, and technological aspects of using dispersed substances to obtain materials with improved performance properties. New competitive materials have been created: modified mineral binders and concretes and mortars with improved operational properties, including those with increased water resistance, crack resistance, and electrocorrosion resistance; dry building mixtures for a wide range of purposes; an expanded range of roofing products of different profiles. The scientific basis and methodology for calculating reinforced concrete structures for complex types of deformations are presented; an improved energy-efficient, non-capital-beamless frame structural system of multi-storey buildings for affordable housing has been proposed; a new technology for the construction of foundations and artificial foundations in complex engineering and geological conditions; an appropriate state regulatory framework has been developed. This made it possible to reduce the cost of sq. m of housing by almost 40%, and the duration of construction – twice.

    Educational and methodical work of the departmentWaterproofing cement composites of penetrating action

The monograph presents the results of research on the development and improvement of waterproofing cement composites of penetrating action, the development of ideas about the mechanisms of their hydration, hardening, diffusion penetration, clogging action, etc. The effectiveness of research is due to their fundamental basis – the application of the provisions and methodology of colloid chemistry and physico-chemical mechanics of disperse systems and materials, chemical thermodynamics. The industrial production of a wide range of dry construction mixtures of waterproofing cement composites of the brand “Viatron”, successfully used in the repair, reconstruction, construction of residential and public buildings, and other facilities, was organized.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentEnergy-resource-saving mineral binders and composite building materials based on them.

The monograph develops the physicochemical and thermodynamic foundations for the synthesis of minerals and their hydration to obtain an artificial stone with desired properties. Methods have been developed for intensifying the hardening of mineral binders, a methodology for the multi-parametric design of compositions of building composite materials, technological aspects of the use of dispersed substances, including those of technogenic origin, in obtaining building composite materials with improved performance properties. Created competitive composite materials of a new generation based on modified mineral binders: special cements and concretes, including heat and corrosion resistant, radiation resistant; dry building mixtures for a wide range of purposes; extended range of roofing products of different profiles; concretes and mortars with improved performance properties, in particular, increased water resistance, crack resistance, electrical resistance, electrical corrosion resistance.


Educational and methodical work of the departmentEngineering and geological surveys for construction

The tutorial provides a description of the main set of works performed in engineering and geological research, as well as work in specific conditions – underground construction and construction in adverse geological conditions. The tutorial contains special and additional material on the disciplines “Engineering Geology” and “Engineering Geology, Geomorphology and Hydrology” and can be used for self-training of applicants for higher education during the internship. The tutorial is intended for applicants for higher education of full-time and part-time forms of study for educational programs of the first level of higher education, studying in educational programs of specialties 192 “Construction and civil engineering”, 273 “Railway transport”, 193 “Geodesy and land management” mechanical engineering “, as well as other specialties in relevant areas.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentIntroduction to construction industry 

The tutorial discusses the theoretical and applied foundations of construction, considers the essence of engineering in the field of construction, provides a historical outline of the development of construction, building materials from ancient times to the present, considers the classification of buildings and structures, describes all their elements. The main stages of design and execution of works on construction, maintenance, repair, reconstruction of engineering structures and buildings are considered and described. The specificity of the construction business in railway transport is presented.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentEngineering geology

The tutorial presents the basic concepts of engineering geology, data on minerals and rocks, considers the processes of internal and external dynamics of the Earth, as well as physical and geological processes that affect the stability of slopes and structures. The fundamentals of hydrogeology are outlined. Issues of engineering-geological surveys and environmental protection are covered. The tutorial is intended for mastering the course “Engineering Geology” by students studying in the specialties “Construction and Civil Engineering” and “Railway Transport”, as well as other specialties of the relevant areas.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentCalculations of the bearing capacity and technology of fixing the foundations of buildings and structures of railway transport

The tutorial discusses the theoretical and applied foundations of the mechanics of soils, bases and foundations. The necessary material, including reference material, is provided for course design and the implementation of a graduation project for the reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures on weak foundations or foundations with a high level of groundwater. The tutorial includes relevant sections on strengthening the bases and foundations of buildings or structures. The tutorial also contains examples of calculations of bases and foundations in the specified conditions, as well as technologies for strengthening bases and foundations.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentStrengthening structures and buildings

The tutorial discusses the theoretical and applied foundations for strengthening reinforced concrete and stone structures, provides the necessary material, incl. references, to perform settlement and graphic work on strengthening emergency structures and the implementation of a graduation project for the reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures. The tutorial uses the developments of design and scientific organizations, as well as the experience and developments of the Department of Building Materials and Structures of UkrSURT.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentFundamentals of scientific research

The tutorial presents a historical outline of the development of science and technology, in particular in the field of construction and transport, information about scientific institutions and personnel, types and procedures for conducting research work. Recommendations are given on the performance of qualifying research works, inventive activities, etc. With examples, the main research methods are considered: theoretical (building models of objects, processes, conducting computational experiments), experimental (physical-mechanical and corrosion tests, physical-chemical studies ). Recommendations and examples are given for the development of original research methods, the conduct of a quantitative experiment, the construction of dependency graphs, and the selection of empirical formulas. The tutorial is intended for mastering the course “Fundamentals of scientific research” by students of the specialties “Industrial and civil construction” and “Railway facilities and track facilities”; for methodological assistance in the research work of students, undergraduates, graduate students.

Educational and methodical work of the departmentTest methods for building structures

The tutorial presents methods and tools for testing building structures. Non-destructive methods for controlling the strength of building materials in structures are considered. Methods for conducting inspections, surveys, static and dynamic tests of building structures of buildings and structures are described. At the end of the tutorial, the basic definitions of the bearing capacity of tunnel structures during their operation are given.