Scientific and research activity
Scientific and research works are carried out by industry scientific research
laboratories of the BMCS department “Rail seats and special reinforced concrete”
(scientific head of the GNDL Prof. Plugin A.A., head of the GNDL Assoc. Kalinin
O.A.) and “Corrosion and corrosion protection of railway constructions and
structures” (scientific head of the GNDL Prof. D.A. Plugin, head of the GNDL Assoc.
Miroshnichenko S.V.).
The main achievements of the department’s scientists in recent decades are mainly
related to the development of the scientific school of Prof. A.M. Plugin, who was
awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2008.
The main directions of the scientific school are:
fundamental and applied: development of the theory of mineral binders hardening
taking into account electrosurface properties and phenomena (electroheterogeneous
theory of hardening); the mechanism of non-pressure water permeability of concrete;
the mechanism of over-normative long-term and repeated rapid creep of concrete;
development of the theory of concrete composition; development of the corrosion
and electrocorrosion theory of concrete and reinforced concrete, taking into account
electrosurface properties and phenomena;
developments: methods of determining the concrete composition with increased
waterproofness and crack resistance; superplasticized cement-water suspension
SPCWS for cementing of structures and rocks; polymer composite protective
compounds; constructive and technological solutions for repair, strengthening and
protection of structures and buildings, etc.
Fundamental and applied scientific and research works carried out with the state
budget funds:
6/2-2020B Development of theoretical foundations and experimental verification of
new effective methods of increasing the bearing capacity and waterproofing of the
soils of the railway subgrade
6/2-2015B Development of the theoretical foundations of the occurrence and
prevention of violations of the stability of earthen and other structures;
6/2-2012B Development of theoretical foundations and experimental studies of anti-
slide measures, technological solutions and materials;
6/2-2010B Development of theoretical foundations and experimental studies of the
influence of leakage and stray currents on concrete and mortar of concrete,
reinforced concrete and stone structures;
6/2-2008B Development of theoretical and experimental foundations of protection
against electrical corrosion of railway transport facilities;
6/2-2004B Development of theoretical and experimental foundations of colloidal-
chemical and electrochemical methods of fixing and strengthening loose soils,
floating soils and structures in them;
6/2-2000B Theoretical and experimental research on the creation of new materials
and methods of protection against corrosion of metal bridges and other structures;
6/2-1997B Development of theoretical bases of durability of artificial structures in
railway transport;
6/2-1994B Development and elaboration of new theoretical foundations of non-
traditional materials and products for railway transport based on technogenic waste
and polymers of Ukraine.
Applied research and development works are carried out under business contracts,
the customers of which are “Ukrzaliznytsia” (main), various enterprises of Ukraine,
Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova. The total volume of contract works performed in
2010 amounted to 1,083.66 thousand hryvnias or 20.9% of the total volume of
research works of the University, in 2111 – 924.57 thousand hryvnias or 19% of the
total volume of the University research and development works.
Some applied research works and developments carried out under business
60/7-2011 Engineering and geological survey of the foundations of the service and
technical building of Cherednychky station of the Southern Railway;
60/6-2011 Engineering and geological survey of the foundations of the post building
of Kagamlytska station of the Southern Railway;
60/3-2011 Development and testing of new constructive solutions for protection
against electrical corrosion of overpass structures on which the catenary network is
60/2-2011 Research and developing recommendations for the protection and
strengthening of passenger platform structures on electrified sections of railways;
6/17-2011 Examination and development of project solutions for the capital repair of
the service and technical building of Cherednychky station of the Southern Railway;
6/16-2011 Examination and development of project solutions for the major repair of
the building of the post office of the Kagamlytska station of the Southern Railway;
6/9-2011 Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of reinforced concrete
structures of the “Avangard” stadium in Luhansk;
60/5-2010 Survey and development of pre-project solutions for the post building of
Kislyvka station of the Southern Railway;
60/4-2010 Survey and development of pre-project solutions for the building of the
railway station Kislyvka of the Southern Railway;
60/3-2010 Conducting research on corrosion of elements of the track superstructure
in railway tunnels, determining their service life and developing measures to protect
them from corrosion;
60/2-2010 Survey and testing of overpass structures across the railway tracks of the
Lozova station on 928 km of the Kharkiv – Lozova section and drawing up a report
with a conclusion on the carrying capacity of the overpass;
60/1-2010 Development of Branch Construction Rules “Protection of construction
structures and railway transport facilities from aggressive actions”;
6/14-2010 Research and development of effective methods of weak soils fixing of the
foundations of buildings and structures operated on the railways of Ukraine;
6/10-2010 Study of concrete samples taken from hydraulic structures of the Dnipro
hydro-electric power station;
60/1-2009 Conducting research with the expansion of statistical data for the development of
departmental building standards for the protection of construction structures and railway
transport facilities from aggressive actions;
60/2-2008 Research and development of recommendations for the protection and
strengthening of buildings and structures of station complexes that are destroyed by the joint
action of electric current, vibration, groundwater;
6/12-2008 Study of the causes of cracks in ballastless bridge deck slabs and development of
methodical recommendations to ensure their crack resistance;
6/11-2008 Conducting research and standardization of electrical resistance of concrete and
reinforced concrete sleepers, development of methods of its measurement and control;
60/3-2007 Research and development of recommendations for the protection of
structural elements of buildings and structures from aggressive actions;
6/7-2007 Conducting research and developing recommendations for the use of
plasticizers and hardening accelerators in the manufacture of reinforced concrete
sleepers and slabs of ballastless bridge decks;
6/11-2006 Development of recommendations for reducing and eliminating cracking
of wooden sleepers and beams;
6/10-2006 Conducting research and development of technology for diagnosing the
road bed of railways of Ukrzaliznytsia;
60/4-2005 Research and development of recommendations for the reconstruction of
flooded tunnels using modern materials, superplasticizers, membranes and
waterproof concrete;
60/3-2005 Research and development of recommendations with the use of modern
materials for waterproofing reinforced concrete span structures of bridges;
6/9-2005 Development of technological processes and drawings for equipment for
the repair of reinforced concrete sleepers type Sh-1-1;
60/1-2004 Instruction on the application of ballastless bridge web on reinforced
concrete slabs of metal span structures;
6/24-2004 Instructions for the execution of work on injecting the solution for finishing
the tunnel;
6/13-2004 Development of specifications for catenary network support risers;
6/6-2004 Instructions on the use of chemical additives for concrete and solutions for
general construction and transport purposes;
60/2-2003 Increasing the durability of bridge structures and their protection against
The results of fundamental and applied research and development are published in
scientific monographs:
training manuals, articles in scientific journals, collections of scientific
works, collections of conferences at which scientific reports are made.
Since the 1960s, once every few years, the BMCS department publishes a thematic
issue of the collection of scientific works of UkrDAZT: since 2000 – “Problems of
reliability and durability of engineering structures and buildings in railway transport”
Developments are protected by copyright certificates (until 1991) and patents
normative documents are being developed on them – over 30 technical conditions of
Ukraine (TU U) have been developed in recent years
instructions, rules, recommendations (CBMES-0004, CP-0136; CP-0137, CP-0142,
Based on the results of scientific research, young scientists of the department
defend theses and participate in competitions of scientific works. The winners of the
“Best Young Scientist of Kharkiv Region” competition were: Associate Professor A.V.
Nikitinskyi (2007), associate professor Lyuty V.A. (2008), Senior lector Gerasimenko
O.S. (2009). The development of “New technologies for the repair of railway bridges”
received the winner’s diploma in the nomination “Applied works” of the competition
“Education, science, production of the Kharkiv region – 2003”
The results of research and development as new materials, structural and
technological solutions are implemented at the objects of the Southern and Lviv
Railways, industrial enterprises, civil buildings, etc. during repair, strengthening,
protection of damaged structures and buildings, etc. At the same time, design and
research, and in many cases, repair works are carried out as research works by
scientists and students of the department under business contracts.