About the department
One of the main tasks of the staff of the department is the training of specialists for the needs of Ukrzaliznytsia, including subways, enterprises of the electrical industry and enterprises where electricity and electromechanics are used.
The structure of the department includes 9 educational laboratories in the main profile disciplines. The total area occupied by the department is 728.1 sq.m., of which 497.5 sq.m. are educational and laboratory premises. All premises of the department are in good condition, laboratories and classrooms are regularly repaired.
The department has a good material and technical base for the educational process and research work. Laboratory work on the disciplines of the department is carried out in 9 educational laboratories, which have 98 seats. In 2019, the Laboratory for Modeling Transport Systems Management Processes was put into operation. This laboratory is equipped with the support of the regional branch “Pridneprovskaya Railway” and the company “PO Oven”.
The promising plan for the development of the educational and material base provides for the introduction of new laboratory workshops in the disciplines “Contact network”, “Traction automated electric drive systems”, “Microprocessor control systems for electric drive of electric transport”. In order to more fully meet the needs of the state in highly qualified specialists for the enterprises of Ukrzaliznytsia and the electrical industry, the Department of Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics implements the concept of continuous multilevel education.
As part of the implementation of this concept, the department operates an educational complex “University-technical school”, established close relations with technical schools of railway transport: Kharkov, Slavyansk, Lvov, Kremenchug Kiev. This complex allows you to purposefully conduct professional work. Every year, the best graduates of technical schools are attracted to study at the university in an abbreviated form of study.
The department has a training program for teaching staff, which is being successfully implemented. The department is implementing an advanced training program, which ensures the growth of pedagogical qualifications at the level of modern requirements. The advanced training of the teaching staff of the department according to the plan takes place once every 5 years in leading institutions and enterprises of Ukraine. A well-functioning system of mutual visits of classes promotes the exchange of pedagogical experience and advanced training of the staff of the department.Direction of scientific activity:
• creation of modern traction systems for electric transmissions of rolling stock;
• modernization of the existing fleet of rolling stock;
• development of energy efficient power supply systems for ERS;
• modernization and creation of new traction electric motors;
• issues of resource and energy saving in transport
• development of converters of electrical energy on a modern element base;
• improving the electromagnetic compatibility of electric transport systems.
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