Branch research laboratory “Automated valve electromechanical traction systems”
The laboratory is engaged in the development and research of promising semiconductor converters for power supply systems and electric rolling stock. According to the results of laboratory research, dissertations and state dissertations are performed. contractual works, as well as reports at international scientific and practical conferences.
Scientific adviser of the laboratory, Ph.D., associate professor – Oleksandr Plakhtiy.
During the years of existence of the laboratory a number of scientific researches were carried out, as a result of which dissertations were defended:
– Shcherbak Y.V., dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.12 “Semiconductor power converters”, on the topic: “Theoretical foundations and methods of regulation of subharmonics of semiconductor power converters”;
– Slobodchikov I.V., dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.22.09 “Electric transport”, on the topic: “Improving the quality of electrical energy of the traction substation of direct current by active filtration”;
– Panchenko V.V., the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.22.09 «Electrotransport», on a theme: «Improvement of electromagnetic compatibility of a traction substation of a direct current with a contact network»;
– Plakhtiy O.A., dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.12 “Semiconductor power converters”, on the topic: “Improvement of electromagnetic compatibility of traction substations of direct current with supply and contact networks”;
– Nerubatsky V.P., dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.22.09 “Electrotransport”, on the topic: “Improving the energy efficiency of electric rolling stock in traction and recovery modes”;
– Semenenko Y.O., the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.22.09 «Electrotransport», on a theme: «Stabilizing power active filters for increase of efficiency of traction power supply of a direct current».
A number of initiative and state contract research projects have been implemented:
– “Improving the quality of electricity at the output of the rectifier installation of the DC traction substation” (DR № 0111U002244);
- «Optimization of electric energy consumption by rolling stock with semiconductor converters” (DRN 0115U000281);
- «Improving the quality of electricity in the DC contact network” (DR № 0114U005597);
- «Checking the electromagnetic compatibility of traction substations with the catenary” (DR №0115U004788);
- «Improving the electromagnetic compatibility of DC traction substations with the supply and contact network” (DR 0114U004459);
- «Improving the energy efficiency of DC and AC power supply systems through the use of modular multi-level converters”, 0119U102517. Registered account card 0220U101888
- «Energy efficient modulation algorithms in traction semiconductor converters” under state registration number 0118U001572
- «Intelligent power supply systems for railways and subways. The concept of “Smart Grid” “under the state registration number 0118U001571
Considerable attention in laboratory is paid to patent work. During the operation of the laboratory, more than 10 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models have been registered, which cover all areas of laboratory activity.
Among them should be noted for their importance for the energy efficiency of traction substations, for example, the following:
- Patent for utility model Ukraine, IPC H02M7 / 162. Active three-phase four-quadrant rectifier / Shcherbak Ya. V., Plakhtiy AA; owner Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. – u201406150; Application 04.06.2014; Publ. 10.11.2014, Bull.№21.
- Patent for invention Ukraine, IPC H02M7 / 162. Active three-phase four-quadrant rectifier / Shcherbak YV, Plakhtiy AA; owner Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport u201405779; Application 25.09.2014; Publ. 27.07.2015, Bull.№14.
- Patent for invention Ukraine, 94338, IPC H02M1 / 14. Device for voltage ripple compensation / Shcherbak YV, Slobodchikov IV, Ivakina KY; owner Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport a201001641; Application 16.02.2010; Publ. 26.04.2011, Bull.№8.
The department, in particular in laboratory, is constantly expanding the package of applied CAD used in computer-aided design, modern mathematical methods and simulation models are used, which allows students to perform course and diploma projects with the implementation of physical research samples, which significantly improves the quality of student education.
Specialists of laboratory of the department have relevant experience and experience for applied development:
- • active four-quadrant converters and power factor correctors;
- • active filters and hybrid filter-compensating devices of traction substations of direct and alternating current;
- • traction and on-board semiconductor power converters: 4qs-converters, autonomous voltage inverters, four-zone rectifiers, SHIP-converters;
- • automated traction asynchronous electric drive systems.
Contact information: Address: 61050, Kharkiv, Feuerbach Square, 7, room 2.136 Scientific adviser of laboratory: tel.(057) 730-10-76, E-mail: plahtі