Educational and methodical work of the department
The department performs scientific and methodical work.
Akimov O.I., Sushko D.L. High voltage technology. Insulation and overvoltage in devices of power supply and electric traction of railway transport: Training manual. – Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2009. – 217 p.
The basics of the theory of electric discharge in gases and along the surface of solid dielectrics are presented. Sufficient attention is paid to high voltage insulators, modern methods of insulation control of high voltage equipment and measurements at high voltages. The issues of protection of power supply devices and electric traction from overvoltages are considered. The classification of overvoltages is given, the reasons of occurrence of overvoltages and ways of protection against them are covered. The training manual is designed for a wide range of users: students, graduate students, engineers, teachers, scientists, who in their professional activities are related to the electric power of railway transport.
Akimov O.I., Sushko D.L. Electric networks of electrified railways: Training manual. – Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2012. – 278 p.
The basics of the theory of electric calculations of local and district electric networks, the concepts of calculation of the mechanical part of overhead lines and information on the design of overhead and cable lines are given; the issues of designing the external power supply networks of electrified railways, voltage regulation and reduction of power and electricity losses in them are considered. The training manual is designed for a wide range of users: students, graduate students, engineers, teachers, scientists, who in their professional activities are related to the design and operation of electrical networks of electrified railways.
Electrical engineering and electromechanics of railway automation systems / М.М. Babaiev, M.G. Davidenko, G.І. Zagariy et al.: Textbook. – Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2011.- 608 p.
The basics of the theory of electric circuits of direct and alternating current (both linear and nonlinear), the basics of the theory of magnetic circuits, methods of analysis of circuits in frequency and time domains, theoretical bases of operation and methods of calculation of circuits with concentrated and distributed parameters: bipolar, quadrupole lines. The theory and construction of BS-, KS- and AKS-filters, solid-state resonator filters, as well as correctors of amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of communication and automation devices are considered.
The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions of railway transport, who study in the specialty “Automation and automation in transport”. It can also be useful for students of radio engineering and communications, as well as engineering and technical workers in the fields of automation and communications.
Babaiev M.M, Davidenko M.G, Zagariy G.I, Sobolev Y.V Linear electrical circuits of automation and communication devices: Textbook. – Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2007. – 285 p.
Theoretical bases of functioning and methods of calculation of circles with the concentrated and distributed parameters are stated: bipolar, quadrupole, long lines. The theory and construction of LC-, RC- and ARC-filters, solid-state resonator filters, as well as correctors of amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of communication and automation devices are considered.
The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions of railway transport, who study in the specialty “Automation and automation in transport”. It can also be useful for students of radio engineering and communications, as well as engineering and technical workers in the fields of automation and communications.
Construction and dynamics of electric rolling stock: textbook / S.V Panchenko, M.M. Babaiev, V.S. Blyndyuk et al. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2018. – Part 1. – 280 p.
The textbook discusses the basic information about the design and dynamics of electric rolling stock operated on the railways of Ukraine and a number of other countries. A general description of the design of electric locomotives and railcar rolling stock is given. A comparative analysis of materials used for the manufacture of components and parts of electric rolling stock. A number of subdivisions, in addition to describing the design features of certain components, are accompanied by the basic principles of calculating their size and parameters. The basic information on the types of oscillations and perturbations that cause oscillations of rolling stock is given. Indicators of dynamic qualities of the mechanical part are given.
The textbook is designed for a wide range of users: students, graduate students, engineers, teachers, researchers specializing in the operation and repair of electric rolling stock.
Construction and dynamics of electric rolling stock: textbook / S.V Panchenko, M.M. Babaiev, V.S. Blyndyuk et al. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2018. – Part 2. – 204 p.
The textbook discusses the basic information about the design and dynamics of electric rolling stock operated on the railways of Ukraine and a number of other countries. A general description of the design of electric locomotives and railcar rolling stock is given. A comparative analysis of materials used for the manufacture of components and parts of electric rolling stock. A number of subdivisions, in addition to describing the design features of certain components, are accompanied by the basic principles of calculating their size and parameters. The basic information on the types of oscillations and perturbations that cause oscillations of rolling stock is given. Indicators of dynamic qualities of the mechanical part are given.
The textbook is designed for a wide range of users: students, graduate students, engineers, teachers, researchers specializing in the operation and repair of electric rolling stock.
Electrical safety: Textbook / S.V. Panchenko, O.I. Akimov, M.M. Babaiev et al. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2018. – 297 p.
The effects of electric current on a person, methods of first aid to victims of electric current, safety conditions in various electrical networks, technical methods and means of protection against electric shock are considered.
The textbook is intended for students of higher education institutions, as well as for electricians. The textbook can also be useful for those who organize the operation and operation of electrical installations.
Power supply systems of electric rolling stock of railways and subways: textbook / S.V. Panchenko, V.S. Blyndyuk, M.M. Babaiev et al. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2018. – 308 p.
The textbook provides the basics of the principles of arrangement and operation of power supply systems of electric rolling stock of railways and subways.
The material is designed for students, masters, students, graduate students, employees of enterprises, as well as professionals who want to expand their knowledge in the field of traction power supply systems.
Design of railway power supply systems: training manual / M.M. Babaiev, V.S. Blindyuk, O.D. Suprun et al; for order. M.M. Babaiev. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2019. – 291 p.
The training manual discusses the methods of designing railway power supply systems, optimizing the external power supply system and choosing the main equipment of switchgear and transformer substations.
The training manual is recommended for students and undergraduates majoring in “Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”, engineering and technical staff involved in the design and operation of electrical substations and networks.
Theory of electric and magnetic circuits: Textbook / S.V. Panchenko, O.M. Ananieva, M.M. Babaiev et al. – 2nd ed., corrected. and add. – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2020. – 246 p.
The textbook presents the basic theories of linear and nonlinear DC circuits, single-phase and three-phase linear sinusoidal circuits, non-stationary processes in linear circuits and magnetic circuits under the conditions of direct and sinusoidal magnetomotive forces. Compared to the first edition, the section “Method of symmetric components” was added to the section “Three-phase circuits”.
The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions of technical specialties, students of postgraduate education and advanced training institutions. The material of the textbook is basic in the training of railway transport specialists in the field of “Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics” of the educational program “Electric Transport” specialty 273 “Railway Transport” of the educational program “Electric locomotives and electric trains” full-time and part-time.