About the department
The Department of Foreign Languages was established in 1930 as a unit of the School of Mechanics. In 1990 the Department of Foreign Languages became a part of the newly established Academic Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences.
I.M. Rodzynskyi was the first head of the department from 1930 to 1953. In 1981 associate professor PhD Viacheslav Hoverdovskyi became the head of the department. While working at the department he defended his doctoral thesis and got a rank of professor. His scientific publications became a basis for connotative research of the language, a new area in philology. Since 2015 associate professor PhD Svitlana Neshko has been the head of the Department of Foreign Languages. She defended her Phd thesis in 2002. The subject of her thesis is “Affixes Expression of Connotation in the English Language”. Svitlana Neshko carries out a lot of research, teaching and management, and she is most emphatically a leader for the teaching staff.
In 2017 the staff of the department consists of associate professors PhD: S. Neshko, S. Donets, V. Antonova; senior lecturers: O. El Kassem, V. Bereznyi, L. Zolotarevska, V. Mykhailenko, O. Kharlamova, I. Radchenko, V. Ponomarenko, O. Dziuba; lecturer: O. Tesliuk; technician: O. Plotnikova.
Main subjects taught at the department are foreign language (English, German, French), business foreign language, language for professional communication, technical translation.
The department has been performing a lot of research. Scientific papers are published in professional editions of Ukraine. The department takes an active part in research and methodological conferences of USURT and other leading higher educational establishments.
Every year the department holds the Student Science and Engineering Conference, and the Student English Contest. The winners compete in All-Ukrainian and International Conferences and Contests.
Every year the department holds the educational forum “Students and school-leavers work as a team” under the auspices of the Local Education Authority. The goal of the forum is to help school-leavers in their successful profession selection, to provide insight into Double Degree Programmes, to discuss efficiency and objectivity of the External Independent Testing (ZNO).
Under the leadership of the head of the department the teaching staff takes an active part in the international programme TEMPUS, which includes development and translation of the curricula for creation of the open transport environment.
The graduates of our department obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Philology by the educational program “Translation, English Language and Literature”. Prospective graduates will be able to work as translators and interpreters of English in various organizations including business enterprises, international establishments, as negotiators in business talks; to perform translation and interpretation, to organize and support information service, to work with scientific literature, to teach English for children and adult learners and to render other educational services.
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