Department of Foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages is one of the oldest at the university. It has existed since the establishment in 1930 of the Kharkiv Operational and Traction Institute of Railway Transport.
If the modern world is associated with the words “development” and “progress”, it is impossible to imagine the dynamics of development without the possibility of intercultural exchange, and therefore without knowledge of a foreign language, which has become an integral part of our daily lives and work! The main slogan of the Department of Foreign Languages: “Education – that transcends borders!” Education that combines fundamental theoretical knowledge and modern professional skills of international communication, focused on the new socio-economic conditions of our country.
The curricula of the Department of Foreign Languages are based on fundamental disciplines that allow to form a highly qualified specialist.
Today the staff of the department consists of 14 employees, including 1 doctor of philology, 4 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 9 senior lecturers.
In 2017, recruitment for a new specialty “Philology” under the educational program “Translation and English Language and Literature” began. Translation is one of the main specializations in the field of knowledge of the professional direction of training “Philology”. Students will study theoretical and practical aspects of scientific and technical translation, intercultural and interlingual communication. A specialist in technical translation – in contrast to a specialist in foreign languages, philology and linguistics – is a professional who not only is fluent in a foreign language, but also has deep professional knowledge in the chosen scientific and technical subject area, obtained during practice in real conditions. scientific communication