Research work of the department
Research work of the department is carried out in two main directions:
linguistic – “Semantic and stylistic study of vocabulary, terminology and phraseology of Germanic and Slavic languages”;
methodological – “Methodological support of the educational process to improve the independent work of students.”
Work is underway on methodological support of the educational process within the credit-module system, improvement of curricula and work programs. Particular attention is paid to the development of UMKD for the newly opened specialty “Philology”, which includes writing guidelines, manuals, lecture notes and seminars in the disciplines of “Latin”, “Annotation and abstracting”, “History of English”, “Lexicology” , “Stylistics”, etc.
The department actively cooperates with schools of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, providing them with scientific and methodical developments for preparation for passing the external examination in English, conducting field training seminars on new teaching methods for teachers of the region. The regional educational forum in English for teachers and entrants is held annually, the purpose of which is to acquaint graduates with the features of modern European education, opportunities to obtain a double diploma, discuss the choice of profession taking into account the prospects of Ukraine’s economic development.
Teachers of the department are members of the International Ukrainian-American Association of English Language Teachers “TESOL”, which hosts international conferences, intensive seminars, summer schools under the auspices of the US Embassy.
Research and development includes the organization of scientific work of students in the preparation of reports and writing abstracts, articles, participation in scientific and technical conferences of our university and universities of Ukraine. Students take part in the Intra-University and National Olympiad in foreign languages, defend their diplomas in English. University students and staff improve their English language skills at weekly Speaking Club meetings.
The department has scientific circles “English for Technical Experts”, “AKADEMISCHES SCHREIBEN”, “PHILOLOGISCHE STUDIEN ZU WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN TEXTEN” as a voluntary association of students interested in in-depth study of the department and the development of professional and scientific skills.