History of the department
The Department of Foreign Languages was established in 1930 as a unit of the School of Mechanics. I.M. Rodzynskyi was the first head of the department from 1930 to 1953.
It should be noted that the leading scientist of Ukraine Leonid Bulakhovskyi (1888-1961), linguist, member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1939), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (1946), expert in Russian and Ukrainian linguistics, Slavonic studies, Slavonic accentology, was the head of the department.
In 1981 associate professor PhD Viacheslav Hoverdovskyi became the head of the department. While working at the department he defended his doctoral thesis and got a rank of professor. His scientific publications became a basis for connotative research of the language, a new area in philology.
In 1990 the Department of Foreign Languages became a part of the newly established Academic Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences.
In 1996-1997 the department launched postgraduate courses in specialities 10.02.04 – Germanic languages and 10.02.15 – General linguistics.
Since 2015 associate professor PhD Svitlana Neshko has been the head of the Department of Foreign Languages. She defended her Phd thesis in 2002. The subject of her thesis is “Affixes Expression of Connotation in the English Language”. Her high scientific potential, deep expertise, high culture are aimed at the professional development of the teaching staff and personal development of the University students.
In 2017 the department launched a new speciality “Philology” by the educational program “Translation, English Language and Literature”. Translation is one of the major specializations in the sphere of Philology. The students learn theoretical and practical aspects of scientific and technical translation, interlingual and intercultural communication.
The department has been performing a lot of research. Scientific papers are published in professional editions of Ukraine. The department takes an active part in research and methodological conferences of USURT and other leading higher educational establishments.
The following PhD theses were defended by the teaching staff of the department:
- “Sources of formation and specific character of the structural-semantic organization of the German language” – Tymofiieva A.I., 1982, KDIIM
- “Implicational potential of metaphor in fiction” – Donets S.M., 1990
- “Affixes Expression of Connotation in the English Language” – Neshko S.I., 2002
- “Genre modifications in the poetry by W.Scott and the “lake”poets” – Antonova V.F., 2011.