Subject syllabuses
field of knowledge 05 Social and behavioral sciences; 07 Management and administration; 28 Public administration; 27 transport; 12 Information technologies.
specialty 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities; 051 Economics of the enterprise; 071 Accounting and taxation, business and insurance; 072 Finance, banking and insurance; 073 Management; 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities; 072 Finance, banking and insurance; 073 Management; 281 Public administration; 275.02 Transport technologies (on railway transport); 126 Information systems and technologies.
educational program Entrepreneurship (P); business economics (EP); accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions (OAiOBFU); financial management, banking and insurance (UFBSS); management of foreign economic activity (MFA); organization management and administration (MOiA); public administration and administration (PUA); high-speed rolling stock (HRV); wagons and wagon economy (B); locomotives and locomotive economy (L); organization of transportation and transport management (OPUT); transport service and logistics (TSL); organization of legal and forwarding activities (OPED); organization of international transportation (WMD); customs control on transport (MCT); Artificial Intelligence Technology (ART).
second level of education (master)
field of knowledge 27 transport
specialty 273 Railway transport; 275.02 Transport technologies (on railway transport).
educational program Locomotives and locomotive economy (L); Wagons and wagon economy (B); High-speed rolling stock (HRV); organization of transportation and transport management (OPUT); organization of international transportation (WMD); customs control on transport (MCT); computer network technologies (CMT)
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