About the department
The department teachers ensure the implementation of the educational process for the bachelors’ training at all faculties of the university. The curriculum includes the following disciplines: Higher Mathematics, Higher and Applied Mathematics, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Theory of Probability, Study of Transport System Operations, Differential Equations, Optimization Methods and Models, Physics. Master students are taught the following disciplines: Mathematical Methods in Transport System Management, Mathematical Methods of Optimization Problem Solution.
Generally, the number of students studying at the department is approximately 4000 people.
The best students are engaged in research at the mathematics scientific circle under the guidance of Associate Professor S.D. Bronze. Our students have repeatedly won prizes at mathematical Olympiads among domestic higher educational institutions as well as successfully competed as part of national Ukrainian team, among them I. Mustafayev (scientific supervisor Associate Professor R.O.Efremenko), O.Stavich (scientific supervisor Associate Professor V.O.Kozel), K.Khatuntsev (scientific supervisor Associate Professor V.I.Khrabustovsky). Also, in 2002 А. Pelepeychenko (supervisor Associate Professor V.I. Khrabustovsky) was awarded a 3rd degree Diploma; in 2009, M. Maksumov (supervisor Associate Professor O.I. Udodova) took the second place among the transport universities at the All-Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad. In 2007, 2009, 2010 the UkrSURT team (headed by Associate Professor O.I. Udodova) was awarded a diploma of the Organizing Committee of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Mathematics for high level of training.
Since 2021 the teaching staff of the Department includes: professors: Doctors of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professors R.V. Vovk, M.I. Grishanov; Doctor of Economics, associate professor N.G. Panchenko; PhD in Physics and Mathematics, associate professors S.D. Bronza, N.V. Glazer, K.V. Kotvitska, Osmaev O.A., Samoilov O.V., Khrabustovsky V.I.; Candidates of technical sciences, Associate Professors: Akimova J.O., Gres V.Y., Rezunenko M.E.; Senior Lecturers: Candidates of Physical and Mathematical sciences,Goncharova O.O., Rybachuk O.V., Assistant Nazemtseva L.V.
Teaching and support personnel: Head of laboratory Lagutin B.A., senior technicians: Georgyeva T.V., Malisheva Svitlana Anatoliyovna, laboratory technicians Dmitrenenko N.V., Zhuvanov A.V.
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