The material and technical equipment of the department is constantly being
improved. It includes a fuel and chemical laboratory (since 1910), a laboratory for
the study of working conditions (since 1972), a specialized civil protection and life
safety classroom (since 2008) and a specialized computer-aided on occupational
safety classroom (since 2010).
Laboratory for the study of working conditions
The Laboratory for the study of working conditions has the following equipment:
-Portable multicomponent alarm analyzer "Dozor-S-M-4", 2007
-Multifunctional professional sound level meter PSL-5868P, 2008
-Luxmeter Yu-116 – 3 pcs
-Microclimate parameter meter Meteoscope NTM-Zashchita, 2007.
-Assman aspiration psychrometer
-Cup anemometer
– Plexiglass cameras – 2 pcs.
– ICP-1 device
-Ohmmeter M-416/1
– ECV-1 noise and vibration meter
– Bench for metering resistance of earthing switches to current spreading
– Bench for metering air dustiness in industrial premises
– Bench for metering artificial lighting
– Bench for metering air gas contamination in industrial premises
The fuel and chemical laboratory (chemistry training laboratories) was
completely upgraded in 2008.
Currently, chemistry training laboratories have the following equipment: :
– installation for determination of equivalent metal mass;
– Kipp devices for determination of content of carbon monoxide;
– models (mock-ups) of molecules for studying the structure of atoms;
– universal bench for solubility of salts and alkalis in water;
– periodic tables;
– universal bench "Electrochemical series of metal stresses";
– wall clock with barometer, hygrometer and thermometer;
– installation for the study of chemical thermodynamics, determination of
Gibbs energy;
– desktop microscope;
– technical analytical scales and different weights for determining the mass
of bux, crucibles;
– electronic analytical scales for weighing chemicals weighing up to 200 g,
weighing accuracy – up to 0.0001 g;
– distiller;
– laboratory millivoltmeters for electrolysis research;
– universal muffle oven for baking ceramics;
– heated magnetic stirrer;
– photoelectrocolorimeter for spectral analysis of the obtained chemicals.
The department has a specialized civil protection and life safety classroom,
which is equipped with a modern multimedia complex, civil safety information
stands and chemical and radiation detection devices for training students the
Specialized classroom on civil protection and life safety
Specialized classroom on civil protection and life safety
Advanced teaching technologies based on the use of modern computer and
multimedia equipment have been introduced into the educational process of the
Department. The computer classroom on occupational safety is equipped with
modern computers with licensed software Protek, so that students can master
the modern regulatory framework on occupational safety. The classroom is
intended for unit testing and computer modeling in the educational process of
organizing measures to prevent man-made emergencies in transport; prevention
of accidents at work; development of recommendations on professional selection
and professional aptitude of employees (in particular, in the transport industry);
management of occupational safety.