Our History
With the support of rector Serhii Volodymyrovych Panchenko and in response to modern challenges in the field of management and administration and the demands of the labor market, on October 3, 2022, the newly created department “Management, Public Administration and HR Technologies” began its existence.
The department was created by merging the departments “Management and Administration” and “Economics, Business and Personnel Management in Transport”, which had a long history.
The history of the modern department dates back to 1935, when it was founded as the “Transport Economics” department by Professor M.V. Tomilin From 1936 to 1944, the department was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.M. Orlov. During 1944-1977, the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences T.M. Tuchkevich. In the first years after its establishment and during the following decades, highly qualified teachers, well-known transport and industry economists T.M. worked at the department. Tuchkevich, A.M. Blaze, M.I. Silaev and other experts. From 1980 to 1997, the permanent head of the department was Professor I.H. Boyko. Following his outstanding predecessors – V.M. Orlov and T.M. Tuchkevych – he laid the foundations of the department’s educational, methodical and research activities.
From 1997 to 2001, the department was headed by Professor Volodymyr Leonidovych Dykan. In 2001, the department was reorganized in connection with the formation of a new graduating department “Economics of Enterprises and Organization of Production”. At the same time, the department was named “Economics and Industry Management”. The head of the department was appointed associate professor, Ph.D. Kolesnikov N.M.
The process of expansion and strengthening of economic ties of Ukraine with the countries of the world, in particular in the transport industry, which actively began to take place at that time, faced the problem of a shortage of specialists in the management of foreign economic activities. That is why, in 2001, the leadership of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport considered it expedient to start training such specialists at the Faculty of Transport Economics, as a result of which the first department of “Management of Foreign Economic Activities and Law” was created among railway universities, headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor O.B. Korotych.
In 2002, it was headed by T.I. Alekseeva, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. The department included leading teachers of the academy – candidates of economic sciences, associate professors V.K. Shevchenko, T.M. Hayvoronska, O.P. Soboleva.
In 2004, the department was renamed “Management of organizations in transport”. From 2004 to 2020, the position of the head of the department was held by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Georgiyovych Deineka. From January 28, 2014 to October 3, 2022, the department was called “Management and Administration”.
Since 2005, the department “Economics, business and personnel management in transport” was created within the walls of the university under the leadership of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Lyubov Oleksiivna Pozdnyakova, which went through a difficult path in its formation, finally forming in 2014. The department trained highly qualified, professional bachelors and masters according to new standards and educational programs “Personnel Management” and “Business Administration”.
The teaching staff of both departments was gradually replenished by young graduates who later became candidates of sciences and associate professors, namely: T.P. Antonova, M.O. Moiseeva, Yu.M. Yurchenko, M.D. Zherdev, N.M. Kolesnikova, S.O. Pogasii, O.I. Zorina.
Talented young people who fruitfully worked on candidate theses – senior teachers O.V. Dykan, O.M. Cherevatenko, assistant O.M. Zhuravlyova, senior teachers A.V. Kolisnikov, I.M. Krutko, V.I. Kudelya, V.O. Kotyk, T.O. Timofeeva, V.V. Kotyk, V.G. Yakovenko, N.V. Hrytsenko, N.G. Chelyadinova, O.M. Shirokova, Yu.V. Myroshnychenko, I.V. Motsna, E.M. Gulai and others, continued to replenish the composition of departments and work effectively in the field of management and administration.
Today, the newly created department “Management, public administration and HR technologies” was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Olena Volodymyrivna Dykan.
The department trains specialists in the field of management and administration in the fields of “Management” and “Public management and administration” training for transport enterprises, as well as for industries and enterprises of all spheres of activity, at the “bachelor” and “master’s” educational levels.