The department maintains active creative relations with the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, the Luhansk Eastern Ukrainian University named after V. Dahl, the Kharkiv National Aerospace University named after Zhukovsky, the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Pyotr Vasylenko, the Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after . ac. Lazaryan, Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems named after A. M. Pidgorny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, by the international committee on engineering pedagogy (Klagenfurt, Austria).
The department closely cooperates with the SE “Zavod named after V.O. Malysheva”, SE “Kharkiv Design Bureau for Engine Building”, SE “Kharkiv Metropoliten”, regional branch “Prydniprovska zaliznytsia” PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”, various repair and operating enterprises of the Southern Railway.
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