Logistics support

Head of Department

Butko Tetiana

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of TAU

corps 1, floor 4, office 401

The educational process uses a computer control laboratory for trains with a network of 7 stations and a train dispatcher server equipped with a mini ATE, an interactive whiteboard with a multimedia projector; laboratory of information systems and technologies, also provided with a multimedia complex; 2 computer classes.

New educational technologies are used in testing students; when performing laboratory and practical tasks; in calculation work, course designing; research work of students.

The software of the laboratory of computer control of train traffic was developed by the staff of the department.

The use of the university media library for independent work of students and the personnel reserve of the railways, which are studying for a master’s degree.

In 2014, a modern laboratory for the organization of train traffic named after Professor M.Danko was opened at the Department. The laboratory is equipped with 9 workstations, as well as an interactive whiteboard with a multimedia projector, which allows you to make reports and hold scientific and technical conferences.

In 2017, a laboratory of information systems and technologies named after the hero of Ukraine V. Zubenko was opened.


Лабораторія з організації руху поїздів імені професора Данько М.І.
Лабораторія інформаційних систем і технологій імені героя України Зубенка В.В.
Лекційна аудиторія
Комп’ютерний клас
Комп’ютерний клас
Комп’ютерний клас