Science degree, academic title: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Year of birth: 1947
Higher education. In 1971 she graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics.
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1987. She defended her dissertation in the specialized council at the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in the specialty 05.22.07 “Railway rolling stock and train traction”.
Doctor of Technical Sciences since 1996. She defended her dissertation in the specialized council D.02.15.01 at the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.07 “Railway rolling stock and train traction”.
Scientific activity direction:
Research and formation of intelligent systems in the management of operational work on railway transport. Scientific bases of formation of technologies of railway transportations on the basis of intelligent transport systems. Carrying out research and development of the concept, technology and organizational structure for the creation of logistics centers of the railways of Ukraine. Methods of formation of intelligent railway transport systems. Development of mathematical models of the organization of transportations by railway transport.
Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Transportation Process Management and the Academic Council of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, member of the Specialized Academic Council Д 64.820.04 for the defense of dissertations in “Operation and Repair of Vehicles”, “Transport Systems” at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, member of the expert Council of the State Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine. Fellow of the state scholarship “Outstanding scientists“. Member of the editorial boards of three scientific publications.
Within the framework of educational and methodical work, Professor Butko TV author of more than 200 scientific works and educational and methodical developments, including 3 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Awards and diplomas:
She was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, a badge “Railway Glory” of the III degree, a badge “Honorary Worker of Transport of Ukraine”
Основи теорії транспортних процесів та систем [Текст] Конспект лекцій / Т.В. Бутько, О.І. Гребцов, Т.В. Головко / – Харків: УкрДАЗТ, 2011. – 62с.
Investigation into Train Flow System on Ukraine’s Railways with Methods of Complex Network Analysis [Текст] / T.V. But’ko, А.V. Prokhorchenko// American Journal of Industrial Engineering №1 (3). – 2013, 41-45.
Devising an automated technology to organize the railroad transportation of containers for intermodal deliveries based on the theory of point processes Butko, T., Prokhorov, V., Kolisnyk, A., Parkhomenko, L.Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2020, 1(3-103), страницы 6–12
Підходи до удосконалення контейнерних інтермодальних перевезень в умовах впровадження приватної локомотивної тяги. Т. В. Бутько, С. В. Харланова, В.А. Шахраюк 2021/7/7 Інформаційно-керуючі системи на залізничному транспорті Том 26 №1 С.16-23
Parkhomenko, L., Butko, T., Prokhorov, V., Kalashnikova, T., Golovko, T. (2022). Building a model for planning rapid delivery of containers by rail under the conditions of intermodal transportation based on robust optimization. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (3 (119)), 6–16. doi: