Employees of the Department of UER

Butko Tetiana

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of TAU

Butko Tetiana

Doctor of Technical Sciences since 1996. She defended her dissertation in the specialized council D.02.15.01 at the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.07 “Railway rolling stock and train traction”.

Direction of scientific activity: research and formation of intelligent systems in the management of operational work on railway transport. Scientific bases of formation of technologies of railway transportations on the basis of intelligent transport systems. Carrying out research and development of the concept, technology and organizational structure for the creation of logistics centers of the railways of Ukraine. Methods of formation of intelligent railway transport systems. Development of mathematical models of the organization of transportations by railway transport.

Author of more than 200 scientific works and educational and methodical developments, including 3 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Prokhorchenko Andrii

Prof. Doc. Sci. (Tech.), Professor

Prokhorchenko Andrii

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2008. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.20 – operation and repair of vehicles. Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.22.01 – transport systems since 2016. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor. Full member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.

Direction of scientific activity: formation of methods of management of railway infrastructure capacity in the conditions of non-discriminatory access. Research of survivability of the system of organization of train flows on the basis of the theory of percolation. Macroanalysis of the organization of transport systems, in particular railway on the basis of methods of analysis of complex networks. Research of problems of reforming public railway transport.

Within the framework of scientific and educational-methodical work more than 70 publications were published and prepared for publication, including 10 scientific articles indexed in the scientific-metric database Scopus, 7 educational-methodical developments, 1 textbook “Passenger transportation (railway transport)” with stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 2 patents.

Golovko Tetiana

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Golovko Tetiana

Candidate of Science (Engineering) since 20014. She defended her thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transpor, specialty 05.22.20 – transport systems. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Direction of scientific activity: management of operational work, simulation modeling, technology of interaction of types of transport at realization of intermodal transportations.

Author of over 57 scientific and educational-methodical developments .


Dolgopolov Peter

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Dolgopolov Peter

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2006. The dissertation was defended in the specialized scientific council D-6482004 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in the specialty 05.22.20 – “Operation and repair of vehicles”.  He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

Direction of scientific activity: improvement of railway operational work on the basis of modeling of traffic flows and intellectualized control systems.
Author of more than  50 scientific-methodical and educational-methodical developments.
Kalashnikova Tetiana

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Kalashnikova Tetiana

Candidate of Science (Engineering) since 2004. She defended her thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Kharkov State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.20. – operation and repair of vehicles.

Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Direction of scientific activity: organization of train formation with the use of modern information systems and technologies.

Author of over 88 scientific and educational-methodical developments .

Konstantinov Denis

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Konstantinov Denis

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2011. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – Transport System

Direction of scientific activity:Organization of operational work and management of transport processes on railway transport, organization and improvement of suburban passenger transportation, improvement of high-speed transportation, organization of high-speed transportation

Author of 25 scientific-methodical and educational-methodical developments, of which
educational-methodical – 2

Malakhova Olena

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Malakhova Olena

Candidate of Science (Engineering) since 2004. She defended her thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Kharkov State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.20. – operation and repair of vehicles. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Direction of scientific activity: management of operational work of railway stations, development of traffic schedules in various operating conditions.

Author of over 90 scientific and educational-methodical developments .


Parkhomenko Larysa

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Parkhomenko Larysa

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2015.

Direction of scientific activity: information technologies of high-tech development of transport system.

Author of over 40 publications in the framework of educational and methodical work.

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Prokhorov Viktor

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2017. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – transport systems.

Direction of scientific activity: development of methods of automated planning of operational work of railway transport.

Author of more than 30 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.


Prokhorchenko Halyna

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Prokhorchenko Halyna

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2018. The dissertation  was defended in the specialized academic council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – “Transport Systems”. The academic title of associate professor was awarded in 2020.

Direction of scientific activity: Organization of train traffic on the railway network on the basis of automation of train schedule, theory and practice of traffic safety.

Author of more than 30 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.