Prokhorchenko Andrii
Position: Professor
Science degree, academic title: Doc. Sci. (Tech.), Professor
Year of birth: 1982
He graduated in 2001 from Artemivsk Technical School of Railway Transport with a degree in “Organization of transportation and management of railway transport.” In 2005 he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in “Organization of transportation and transport management (railway transport).”
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2008. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.20 – operation and repair of vehicles. Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.22.01 – transport systems since 2016. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor. Full member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.
Scientific activity direction:
Formation of methods of management of railway infrastructure capacity in the conditions of non-discriminatory access. Research of survivability of the system of organization of train flows on the basis of the theory of percolation. Macroanalysis of the organization of transport systems, in particular railway on the basis of methods of analysis of complex networks. Research of problems of reforming public railway transport.
Within the framework of scientific and educational-methodical work more than 90 publications were published and prepared for publication, including 17 scientific articles indexed in the scientific-metric database Scopus, 7 educational-methodical developments, 1 textbook “Passenger transportation (railway transport)” with stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 2 patents.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Improvement of the technology of accelerated passage of low-capacity car traffic on the basis of scheduling of grouped trains of operational purpose / Prokhorchenko A., Parkhomenko L., Kyman A., Matsiuk V., Stepanova J.//Procedia Computer Science.Р. 86-94. (SciVerse Scopus, WoS) Режим доступу:
- Butko T. Prokhorchenko A., Muzykin M. An improved method of determining the schemes of locomotive circulation with regard to the technological peculiarities of railcar traffic / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2016. – Vol. 5(3(83)). – P. 47-55.
- Butko T., Prokhorchenko A., Kyman A. Formalization of the technology of arranging tactical group trains // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2015. – 3 (76). – P. 38-43.
- Прохорченко А. В., Кравченко Д. О. Аналіз наукових досліджень щодо проектування транспортних мереж високошвидкісного та звичайного руху / Зб. наук. пр. Укр. держ. ун-ту залізнич. трансп. – 2015. – Вип. 154. – С. 70-74.
- Prokhorchenko A. Investigation of scale- invariant property of organization system of train traffic volume based on the percolation theory / Science and Transport Progress. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport. – 2014. – Vol. 5(53). – P. 56-64.
- Прохорченко А.В., Петренко В.Г. Дослідження пропускної спроможності залізничної інфраструктури з позиції теорії транспортних потоків / Збірник наукових праць Української державної академії залізничного трансспорту. – 2014. – Вип. 145. – С. 88-95.
- Прохорченко А.В. Проблеми розрахунку пропускної спроможності залізничної інфраструктури в умовах ринкових відносин / Інформаційно-керуючі системи на залізничному транспорті. – 2014. – Вип.4. – С. 36-41.
- Prokhorchenko A. Analysis of survivability of the system of organisationof trains flow on percolation theory / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2013. – Vol. 6. – 3(66). P.-10.
- Butko T., Prokhorchenko A., Golovko T., Prokhorchenko G. Develompent of the method for modeling the propagation of delays in non-cyclic train scheduling on the railroads with mixed traffic. Eastern – European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2018. №. 1/3 (91). С. 30-39. (Scopus).
- Prokhorchenko A., Panchenko A., Parkhomenko L., Nesterenko H., Muzykin M., Prokhorchenko H., Kolisnyk A.. Forecasting the estimated time of arrival for a cargo dispatch delivered by a freight train along a railway section. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2019. V 3, № 3(99). Р. 30-38. (Scopus).
- Matsiuk V., Myronenko V., Horoshko V., Prokhorchenko A., Hrushevska T., Shcherbyna R., Matsiuk N., Khokhlacheva J., Biziuk I., Tymchenko N. Improvement of efficiency in the organization of transfer trains at developed railway nodes by implementing a “flexible model”. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2019.V 2, №3(98). Р. 32-39. (Scopus).
- Prokhorchenko A., Parkhomenko L., Kyman A., Matsiuk V., Stepanova J. Improvement of the technology of accelerated passage of flow- capacity car traffic on the basis of scheduling of grouped trains of operational purpose. Procedia Computer Science . 2019. Vol. 149. P. 86- 94(Scopus).
- Butko T., Muzykin M., Prokhorchenko A., Prokhorchenko H.. Determining the rational motion intensity of train traffic flows on the railway corridors with account for balance of expenses on traction resources and cargo owners. Transport and Telecommunication, Riga, Litvia. 2019. volume 20, no.3, P. 215 228(Scopus).
- Gurin D., Prokhorchenko A., Kravchenko M., Shapoval G. Development of a method for modelling delay propagation in railway networks using epidemiological SIR models. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020.V 3, №3(108). Р. 6-13. (Scopus).
- Panchenko, A., Prokhorchenko, A., Panchenko, S., Dekarchuk, O., Gurin, D., & Medvediev, I. Predicting the estimated time of cargo dispatch from a marshaling yard. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Kharkiv: PC Technology Center, 2020. Vol. 4. № 3 (106). P. 6-15.(Scopus).
- Panchenko S., Prokhorchenko A., Dekarchuk O., Gurin D., Mkrtychian D. and Matsiuk V.. Development of a method for studying the impact of the time reserve value on the reliability of the train schedule based on the epidemiological SIR model. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020, 1002(1). 012016 . P. 1-11. (Scopus).
- Matsiuk V., Galan O., Prokhorchenko A., Tverdomed V. An Agent-Based Simulation for Optimizing the Parameters of a Railway Transport System. ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine(Scopus).
- Prokhorchenko A.,Malakhova O., Gurin D., Sikonenko G.,Prokhorchenko G. Development of a methodology for determining an energy efficient technology for the freight transportation on a singletrack railway line. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2021, 1021(1) – 012009. P. 1-10. (Scopus).
- Matsiuk V., Ilchenko N., Pryimuk O., Kochubei D., Prokhorchenko A. Risk assessment of transport processes by agent-based simulation. AIP Conference Proceedings.Volume 2557.13 October 2022.13th International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies BulTrans 2021 Sozopol, 10 September 2021through 13 September 2021. Code 183371. (Scopus).
- Prokhorchenko, A., Kravchenko, M., Malakhova, O., Sikonenko, G., Prokhorchenko, H. Research of the Freight Trains Movement Stability with a Network Effect. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Volume 536 LNNS, Pages 785 – 794. 2023. International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering, STUE 2022 Kharkiv9 June 2022 through 11 June 2022. (Scopus).
- Kravchenko, M., Prokhorchenko, A., Zolotarov, S. Мathematical model of a railroad grain cargo ridesharing service in the form of coalitions in congestion games.Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023, 5(3(125)), pp. 35–48. (Scopus).
- Ridesharing in Rail-Freight Transport and Use of Digital Aggregator: Prospects and Difficulties – A Developers Perspective. Ahmed, M.S., Koirala, R.C., Dahal, K., International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications, SKIMA, 2023, pp. 279–284(Scopus).