Employees of the Department of UER

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Rybalshenko Lilya
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2014. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – transport systems. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
Organization and technologies of formation, distribution and direction of car flows based on the use of modern information and hybrid intelligent systems
Author of more than 20 scientific papers


Riabushka Yuliia

Head of the educational laboratory

Riabushka Yuliia

Directions of science of activity: optimization of vantage robotics at the out-of-town stations.

Author of 12 scientific-methodical and initial-methodical outlets

Sikonenko Grygorii

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Sikonenko Grygorii

Candidate of Science (Engineering) since 2006. She defended her thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Kharkov State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.20. – operation and repair of vehicles. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Direction of scientific activity: management of operational work of railway transport, organization of scheduled transportation on the railway direction.

Author of over 90 scientific and educational-methodical developments.

Khodakivsky Alexey

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Khodakivsky Alexey

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2006. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in the specialty 05.22.20 – “Operation and repair of vehicles”. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

Direction of scientific activity: railway transport, management, system.

Author of 75 scientific and educational works.

Khodakivska Evgeniya

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), senior lecturer

Khodakivska Evgeniya


Candidate of  Technical Sciences since 2013. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – “Transport Systems”.

Direction of scientific activity: improvement of the system of organization of passenger transportations by railway transport.

Author of more than 20 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Shander Oleh

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Shander Oleh

In 2016 he defended his thesis. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

The main areas of research: improvement of rail freight transport technology, information technologies and systems.

Author of more than 30 publications.



Shumyk Danylo

Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Shumyk Danylo

Candidate of Science (Engineering) since 2001. He defended hes thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.02 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 05.23.05. – building materials and products. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Direction of scientific activity: information technologies and systems, arrangement, operation and reconstruction of engineering structures.

Author of 48 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments. Has 1 patent.