Science degree, academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1988
In 2007 after graduating from Artemivsk Technical College of Railway Transport he entered the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport.
In 2011 he graduated from UkrDAZT with a degree in the organization of transportation and transport management (railway transport) and obtained the qualification of the researcher (railway transport).
In 2016 he defended his thesis. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
Scientific activity direction:
Improvement of rail freight transport technology, information technologies and systems
Improving the technology of freight car fleet management of operator company / O. Shander, D. Shumyk, Y. Shander, O. Ischuka // Improving the technology of freight car fleet management of operator company. Procedia Computer ScienceVolume 149, 2019, P. 50-56
The main subjects that teaches are:
Education Program/Higher Education Level
Intelligent technologies of railway transportation management