Employees of the selection committee
Dean of the Faculty of ICST, Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor
Serhii ZmiiCandidate of Technical Sciences since 2016. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 in the specialty 05.22.20 – operation and repair of vehicles. Dissertation topic: “Improving the safety of trains by improving the means of electrical alarm.” Scientific adviser – Ph.D., Assoc. V. Moroz
Associate Professor of “Automation and Computer Telecontrol of Train Traffic” since 2019
Direction of scientific activity: increasing the efficiency of station automation systems and automation of technological processes in railway transport.
got a certificate Academic English B1: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking by the program english4ukraine.
Author of more than 100 scientific papers. Within the framework of educational and methodical work Zmiy SO published and prepared for publication 35 scientific-methodical and educational-methodical developments, author of more than 20 patents, 5 of which for inventions.
e-mail: zmii.sergii@kart.edu.ua
WoS ADV-1419-2022: WoS ADV-1419-2022
Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)
Parkhomenko LarysaCandidate of Technical Sciences since 2015.
Direction of scientific activity: information technologies of high-tech development of transport system.
Author of over 40 publications in the framework of educational and methodical work.
email: parhomenko@kart.edu.ua
Тел.: +38 (057) 730-19-91
Senior Lecturer
Oleksiy V. PanchukIn 2004 he graduated from Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in the Specialty “Heat and Power Engineering”. In 2007 he graduated from graduate school in Specialty 05.05.03 “Heat Engines”.
Area of research: Heating systems; Efficiency of rolling stock during rheostatic testing.
email: panchuk.o@kart.edu.ua
Тел: +38 (057) 730-10-77
assistant of the department of TC, head of the educational laboratory
Artur MaziashviliIn 2015, he graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (UkrDUZT) with a major in “Automatics and automation in transport”.
The direction of scientific activity: methods of information compression and recovery.
Author of more than 15 scientific works. Has 2 patents.
PhD, Associate Professor
Andriy RybinHe graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in Railway Rolling Stock and Special Railway Transport Equipment (Wagons), (2004).
Scope of scientific interests: increasing the strength and reliability of freight cars. Improving their maintenance system.
Author of more than 20 scientific papers. Within the framework of scientific and educational-methodical work 6 articles, 19 abstracts of reports of scientific conferences, 4 educational-methodical developments were published and prepared for printing.
тел.:: +38 (057) 730-10-35
e-mail: rybinandrey@kart.edu.ua
Assoc. Prof., Cand. Sci. (Tech.)
Shander OlehIn 2016 he defended his thesis. He was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
The main areas of research: improvement of rail freight transport technology, information technologies and systems.
Author of more than 30 publications.
email: shander@kart.edu.ua
Tel.: +38 067-7754971