Science degree, academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1983
She graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in 2005 with a degree in "Organization of transportation and transport management (railway transport)."
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2018. The dissertation was defended in the specialized academic council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 – “Transport Systems”. The academic title of associate professor was awarded in 2020.
Direction of scientific activity: Organization of train traffic on the railway network on the basis of automation of train schedule, theory and practice of traffic safety.
Author of more than 40 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
Бутько Т.В.,Прохорченко Г.О.,Москаленко О.В. Удосконалення побудови і аналізу графіка руху поїздів на основі моделювання розповсюдження затримок на залізничній мережі. Theses of International scientific conference «Globalization of scientific and educational space. Innovations of transport. Problems, experience, prospects». 3-12 May 2017, Dresden(Germany)-Paris (France).-Severodonetsk:Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National l University. P.p.41-42.
Prokhorchenko Andrii, Panchenko Artem, Parkhomenko Larysa, Nesterenko Halina, Muzykin Mykhailo, Prokhorchenko Halyna, Kolisnyk Alina. Forecasting the estimated time of arrival for a cargo dispatch delivered by a freight train along a railway section. Eastern–EuropeanJournalofEnterpriseTechnologies. 2019.V 3, № 3(99). Р. 30-39. (Scopus).
Prokhorchenko A., Malakhova, O., Gurin, D., Sikonenko, G., Prokhorchenko, G. Development of a methodology for determining an energy efficient technology for the freight transportation on a singletrack railway line. IOP Conf. Ser.: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.1021(1). 2021. 012009. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1021/1/012009 (Scopus).
Прохорченко Г.О.,Білокудря В.В., Севрук Н.С.,Нікітіна Т.В., Ступакова Є.Г., Алафін Д.Р.Дослідження можливостей експлуатації швидкісних пасажирських поїздів за системою багатьох одиниць на залізниці України. Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій «Транспортні системи та технології». 2019. Вип. 34. С. 280-292.
Prokhorchenko, A., Kravchenko, M., Malakhova, O., Sikonenko, G., Prokhorchenko, H. Research of the Freight Trains Movement Stability with a Network Effect. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Volume 536 LNNS, Pages 785 – 794. 2023. International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering, STUE 2022 Kharkiv9 June 2022 through 11 June 2022. (Scopus).
Razghonov, S., Lesnikova, I., Kuznetsov, V., .Prokhorchenko H,..Horulia, M., Bekh, P. Building models to optimize vehicle downtime in multimodal transportation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2023, 3(3(123)), pp. 68–76 (Scopus).