Educational and methodical work of the department
Shepelenko T.V., Buts A.M., Bodrenkova I.O. Physical fitness for a healthy way of living. Navch. posibnik. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2018 .– 125 p., 11 tab.
The materials of the newcomer allow the systematization and knowledge of knowledge based on theories and methods of physical education, providing practical intelligence, tips for improving health, promoting practice, and the possibility of healthy living.
The Teaching posіbnik rozrobleno for studentіv dennoї FORMS navchannya usіh spetsіalnostey of metoyu aktivіzatsії samostіynoї tvorchoї robot studentіv schodo formuvannya pіznannya natural i sotsіalnih protsesіv funktsіonuvannya fіzichnoї culture suspіlstva i osobistostі, vmіnnya їh vikoristovuvati for profesіyno-osobistіsnogo rozvitku, samovdoskonalennya organіzatsії healthy method Zhittya pid hour vikonannya navchalnoї, professional and social and cultural activities.
Yefremova A.Ya. Professional-applied physical training in the systems of physical education of the primary caregivers of the primary profile. Navch. posibnik. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2018 .– 164 p., Tab. 3, fig. one.
The head of the department of the state educational standard of disciplines “Theory and methodology of physical education” and of warehouse – professionally applied physical training of freight transport. The proponent is guided by the analysis of the system of physical education in the primary mortgages of the private profile, the organizational and methodical basis of the professional and applied physical training, the methodological process Induced by the in-house programs the formation of professionally important physical, psychophysical and mental qualities on the basis of the development of professional characteristics of professional performance of engineers in outdoor transport. A basic guide to meanings for students and victories in their primary mortgages in the out-of-the-box profile.
Yefremova A.Ya. An experimental program from a physical training with a course of professional and applied physical training: methodical recommendations to practical ones to take in the discipline “Physical training”. Kharkiv, UkrDUZT, 2015, 64 p.
Vidannya is prepared according to the working programs and by the warehouse part of the basic methodical complex of the discipline “Physical vikhovannya”.
The author’s program for the development of the methodology for advancing the level of foreign and professional-applied physical preparation, the formation of professionally important physical and psychophysical qualities in maybutinous physical problems.
Methodical recommendations for students of the day of education in the field of specialties.
Shepelenko T.V., Dorosh M.I., Luchko O.R., Sapegina I.O. System of assessment of physical preparation of students of UkrDUZT: Lecture notes. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2019, – 68 p.
The lecture summary was prepared according to the initial programs from the physical education at the Higher Education Institution III-VI accreditation and warehouse part of the initial-methodical complex of discipline.
The materials for the lecture synopsis will look at the basic methodology for assessing the physical preparation of students for a 100-point modular-rating system. We have established tables of standards for the rating of the physical preparation of students in the groups of ZFP, SMG and the group of specialization for the types of sports.
The lecture summary has been broken down for the weekend and the students of the day of the formation of the most important specialties as the basis for the modular-rating system and the control of success in the discipline “Physical wickedness”.
Butts A.M., Shepelenko T.V. Basics of the gagging trenuvannya. Methodology of health-improving training: Lecture notes. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2016 .– 26 p.
Daniy synopsis of lectures on preparations based on pre-initial programs from physical training at VNZ and the warehouse part of the initial-methodical complex of discipline.
Materials were given to the lecture synopsis to look at the authorities, signs of a health-improving training, parameters of new options. The characteristics of the epigastric right are given.
The lecture summary is recommended for students in the day of the formation of new specialties with the knowledge of the laws of the formulation of technology, active adaptation, development of strength, vitality and development.
Dorosh M.I., Gorchanyuk V.A. Development of strength and power bones using sports igor: Lecture notes. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2016 .– 26 p.
The abstract of the lecture was prepared according to the initial programs from the physical education at the Higher Education Institution III-IV accreditation and warehouse part of the initial-methodical complex of discipline.
The lecture notes have a theoretical material about the methodology for developing and improving strength and strength-power qualities by means of sports and crumbling igors. The butt of the crumbling іgor is brought in with a sporty straightness.
The lecture summary has been broken down for students during the day of the formation of all specialties, based on the formulation of motivation on the basis of the general introduction to good health, and the overgrowth of the initial process of physical awareness in the process of self-improvement.
Butts A.M., Yefremova A.Ya. Technique for training and improving physical qualities: Lecture notes. – Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2014 .– 25 p.
Lecture notes for preparations according to the initial programs from the physical education at the VNZ III-IV accreditation and the warehouse part of the initial-methodical complex of discipline.
The materials to the lecture notes reveal the characteristics of the main physical qualities, using the same methods of training.
A synopsis of lectures on breakdowns for students in the day of formation of their specialties with the method of learning about the methods of training basic physical yields and educational complexes to the right.
T.V. Shepelenko Fundamentals of the technique of physical training: lecture notes / T.V. Shepelenko T.V., O.R. Luchko. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2014 .– 30 p.
The materials for the lecture synopsis are to look at the theoretical foundations of the physical culture, as well as to methodically competently organize the self-employment of physical rights using the formulation of the physical culture of particularity.
Butts A.M., Shepelenko T.V., Shatov A.V. Misce and meaning of sport in the life of people and suspensions. Olimpiy Rukh in Ukraine: Lecture notes. – Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2014 .– 27 p.
Daniy synopsis of lectures on preparations for the initial programs from the physical training at the Higher Education Institution of the III-IV Rivniv accreditation and the warehouse part of the initial-methodical complex of discipline.
The author gives a characteristic of the modern sport, of the meaning of the life of the skin people and of the suspension, of the analysis of the zavdannya of mass sports and of the sport of the highest times.
The materials for the lecture notes will give information on the history of the development of the Olympic revolution, the Olympic revolution in Ukraine and the prospects of its development.
Synopsis of lectures for students with a method of advancing the level of education.
Parshev A.Є. The basics of athleticism. Technique to take athleticism: lecture notes / A.Є. Parshev, V.M. Razinkov // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2015 .– 26 p.
Materials for the lecture synopsis to look at the nutrition of the organization to take athleticism for the development of the basic principles to encourage training in the popularization of athleticism as a kind of sport, to improve the health of people, to improve the health of people, to improve the health.
Control and self-control in the process of physical improvement. Likuvalna physical culture. Massage and self-massage: lecture notes / Shepelenko T.V., Shevchenko V.P., Chernina S.M. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2015 .– 32 p.
The materials for the lecture notes were to look at the methods of assessing one’s health, physical culture, massage using the form of physical health and learning about healthy technologies.
T.V. Shepelenko Fundamentals of the technique of physical training: lecture notes / T.V. Shepelenko T.V., O.R. Luchko. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2014 .– 30 p.
The materials for the lecture synopsis are to look at the theoretical foundations of the physical culture, as well as to methodically competently organize the self-employment of physical rights using the formulation of the physical culture of particularity.
Physical culture and sport in the system of zalnoludskih values, safety of health and professional performance: lecture notes / [Shepelenko T.V., Luchko O.R., Dovzhenko S.S., Dorosh M.I.]. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2013. – 28 p.
Materіali synopsis lektsії aktsentuyut uwagi on formuvannі Person of, the yak garmonіyno poєdnuє in sobі bagatstvo spirituality, moral purity that fіzichne udoskonalennya for vihovannya in studentskoї molodі motivatsіynogo vіdnoshennya to take fіzichnoyu culture i sport SSMSC spryamovanі on pridbannya Zdorov’ya yak tsіnnіsnogo orієntuvannya maybutnogo konkurentospromozhnogo fahіvtsya.
T.V. Shepelenko Fundamentals of the technique of painting: lecture notes / T.V. Shepelenko, O.R. Luchko. //
Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2011 .– 18 p.
The materials for the lecture synopsis emphasize respect for the role of dressing up in a healthy way of living and revealing the basic principles and forms of dressing up by advancing physical education and training students to a healthy way of living.
T.V. Shepelenko Physical culture is the basis of a healthy way of life for students. Gіgі основnіchnі basics of physical education and sport: lecture notes / Shepelenko T.V., Shevchenko V.P., Luchko O.R. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2009 .– 34 p.
The materials for the lecture notes will reveal in detail the meaning of engaging in physical culture, the main things to the special hygiene and the hygiene of sports, and the basics of dressing up.
A.M. Butz Fundamentals of the system of securing preceding and updating by means of physical culture and sports. Persha medical help for a sick camp. Rules for the provision of first medical aid in case of injuries, sports and other injuries: lecture notes / buts A.M., Shevchenko V.P., Shepelenko T.V. //
Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2009 .– 34 p.
The materials for the lecture notes open up the basis of the choice of physical rights, which are aimed at preserving the correctness and innovation by means of physical culture and sports, allowing them to take the physical right for hours. Introduce the rules for providing first medical aid for a sick camp.
A.M. Buts Fundamentals of an unbalanced gratification of students: the head master / A.M. Buts. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2008 .– 166 p.
The materials of the book show the importance of the components of the harvesting, the input to the function of the body, the possibility of raising the norms of harvesting from the hour to the physical, mental, emotional and physiological options.
Butts A.M. Prevention of sickness and relaxation of the physical camp of students: a new assistant / A.M. Butz, T.V. Shepelenko. // Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2007 .– 130 p.
The author looked at the problems of prevention and relaxation of the physical camp of students, introduced the nature of the adaptation processes, introduced the basic principles of organizing the health of the physical culture, and brought the morbidity of the physical culture to the right.