Electric Transport

Code: 675472

Specialty: 141 Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics

Faculty: Faculty of «Mechanical and Energy»

IEE: Ukrainian language and literature, Professional exam,

Passing score of past years: 200

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 2y 10m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 13800

Training form: shortened

Training period: І - bachelor's degree
based on the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist or a bachelor's degree -2 years 10 months / 6 semesters

Educational level: bachelor

Introduction year: 2020

Guarantor of the educational program

The guarantor of the educational program “Electric Transport” is PhD, Associate Professor Nerubatskyi V.P.

Goals of the Educational Programme

The purpose of the program is to gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the branch of electromechanics, maintenance and repair of electric vehicles, as well as control systems

Students learn to use a modern element base (microprocessors, controllers, industrial computers) to automate the operation of electric vehicle systems. Particular attention is paid to the study of mechatronic systems of autonomous transport and the reliability of its electrical equipment.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

The program is addressed to applicants interested in gaining knowledge in the branch of electromechanics in transport and other branches of the economy.

The program will be interesting for those who plan to connect their future with the design, maintenance and operation of electric vehicles and power supply systems. One of the main aspects of the program is promising automated electric transport systems that significantly improve the efficiency and safety of transportation.

Professional Competences of the Educational Programme:

  • basic principles of construction, design and maintenance of electric rolling stock and power supply devices;
  • methods of analysis and calculation of the main subsystems and functional units of electric rolling stock, ways and prospects of their improvemen;
  • methods of organizing maintenance of electric rolling stock, finding failures and conducting special measurements on rolling stock;
  • knowledge of the rules of technical operation of railways, instructions on signaling, instructions on train movement and shunting work.
  • ability to apply the acquired knowledge in general technical and general engineering disciplines, mastering the methods of analysis, calculation and design of electric rolling stock and its components based on the use of computer technology, especially microprocessors and microcomputers;
  • organization and implementation of maintenance, operation and repair of both electric rolling stock as a whole and its individual components;
  • skills of development of separate elements and knots of electric rolling stock, maintenance of the set operational reliability of functioning of electric rolling stock, guarantee of safety and economy of movement of trains;
  • skills of management of production collective, independent decision-making, development and conclusion of technical documentation.

Employment Opportunities

For production-technological, organizational-administrative, design and research activity in the field of creation of electric rolling stock, and other electric transport and electromechanical systems, systems of power supply of railways, design and research works in the field of automation of management on railway transport.

Additional Information

In Ukraine, a large number of design and production organizations that meet the curriculum and actively cooperate with the graduating department (SE plant “Electrovazhmash”, SE Dnepropetrovsk research and production complex “Electrovozobuduvannya”, research institute NGO “HEMZ”, State Enterprise “Kharkiv Instrument-Making Plant named after T. H. Shevchenko” and others). Students study in laboratories with equipment from such world leaders as Siemens, Elax, Medcom and others.