Volodymyr Nerubatskyi
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1987
In 2009 he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in “Electric Transport” (“Master of Electromechanics”) and “Quality, Standardization and Certification” (“Master of Quality, Standardization and Certification”). Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2017. He defended his dissertation at the O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv MES of Ukraine, specialty 05.22.09 “Electric Transport”. The topic of the dissertation: “Increases the energy efficiency of electric rolling stock in traction and regenerative braking modes”.
Scientific activity direction:
semiconductor power converters of electrical energy for electric transport and power supply systems; composite materials for industry from powders of refractory compounds and metals, powder metallurgy.
Management of research work of students: 10 people.
Author of 170 scientific publications and teaching materials.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Nerubatskyi V., Plakhtii O., Hordiienko D., Mykhalkiv S., Ravlyuk V. A method for calculating the parameters of the sine filter of the frequency converter, taking into account the criterion of starting current limitation and pulse-width modulation frequency. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021. Vol. 1, No. 8 (109). P. 6–16. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.225327.
- Nerubatskyi V. P., Plakhtii O. A., Tugay D. V., Hordiienko D. A. Method for optimization of switching frequency in frequency converters. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2021. No. 1 (181). P. 103–110. DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2021-1/103.
- Gevorkyan E., Nerubatskyi V., Gutsalenko Yu., Melnik O., Voloshyna L. Examination of patterns in obtaining porous structures from submicron aluminum oxide powder and its mixtures. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol. 6, No. 6 (108). P. 41–49. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.216733.
- Plakhtii O., Nerubatskyi V., Mashura A., Hordiienko D., Khoruzhevskyi H. Improving energy indicators of the charging station for electric vehicles based on a three-level active rectifier. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol. 3, No. 8 (105). P. 46–55. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.204068.
- Plakhtii O., Nerubatskyi V., Sushko D., Hordiienko D., Khoruzhevskyi H. Improving the harmonic composition of output voltage in multilevel inverters under an optimum mode of amplitude modulation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol. 2, No. 8 (104). P. 17–24. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.200021.
- Plakhtii O. A., Nerubatskyi V. P., Hordiienko D. A., Khoruzhevskyi H. A. Calculation of static and dynamic losses in power IGBT-transistors by polynomial approximation of basic energy characteristics. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020. No. 2 (176). P. 82–88. DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2020-82.
- Електроенергетика України. Структура, керування, інновації: монографія / І. В. Хоменко, О. А. Плахтій, В. П. Нерубацький, І. В. Стасюк. Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», ТОВ «Планета-Прінт», 2020. 132 с.
- Конструкція та динаміка електричного рухомого складу: підручник / С. В. Панченко, М. М. Бабаєв, В. С. Блиндюк, В. П. Нерубацький. Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2018. Ч. 1. 280 с.
- Конструкція та динаміка електричного рухомого складу: підручник / С. В. Панченко, М. М. Бабаєв, В. С. Блиндюк, В. П. Нерубацький. Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2018. Ч. 2. 204 с.
- Нові керамічні композиційні матеріали інструментального призначення: монографія / Р. В. Вовк, Е. С. Геворкян, В. П. Нерубацький, М. М. Прокопів, В. О. Чишкала, О. М. Мельник. Харків: ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2018. 200 с.
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Brake systems of electric rolling stock | Electric locomotives and electric trains |
2 | Brake systems of electric rolling stock | Electric Transport |
3 | Design and dynamics of electric rolling stock | Electric locomotives and electric trains |
4 | Design and dynamics of electric rolling stock | Electric Transport |
5 | Microprocessor devices in electric traction systems | Electric locomotives and electric trains |
6 | Microprocessor devices in electric traction systems | Electric Transport |
7 | Microprocessor devices in electric traction systems | Power supply and resource-saving technologies |
8 | Production quality management and operation and repair of electric rolling stock | Electric locomotives and electric trains |
9 | Means of automation of power supply systems | Power supply and resource-saving technologies |
10 | Design and dynamics features of high-speed transport | Electric locomotives and electric trains |