Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1987
In 2009 he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in “Electric Transport” (“Master of Electromechanics”) and “Quality, Standardization and Certification” (“Master of Quality, Standardization and Certification”). Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2017. He defended his dissertation at the O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv MES of Ukraine, specialty 05.22.09 “Electric Transport”. The topic of the dissertation: “Increases the energy efficiency of electric rolling stock in traction and regenerative braking modes”.
Scientific activity direction:
semiconductor power converters of electrical energy for electric transport and power supply systems; composite materials for industry from powders of refractory compounds and metals, powder metallurgy.
Management of research work of students: 10 people.
Author of 170 scientific publications and teaching materials.