Employees of the department M and PM

Moroz Volodymyr

D.Sc. (Tech), Professor, the active member of the Transport Acadamy of Ukraine, Dipl.-Ing.Dr «ING-PAED IGIP»

Moroz Volodymyr

The academic title of professor of the Department of Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts was awarded in 1991.

Scope of scientific interests: genetics of technical systems, development of a methodology for designing new generation transport equipment.

Author of more than 400 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 20 patents. The research advisor of 12 PhDs.

Lohvinenko Оleksandr

PhD, Associate Professor

Lohvinenko Оleksandr

PhD since 2003. In 2007, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Mechanics and Machine Design.

Scope of scientific interests: research and improvement of mechanical systems of vehicles.

Author of more than 120 publications, including 82 scientific works, 5 patents of Ukraine for inventions and 33 educational and methodological developments.

Vyacheslav Viktorovych Zakharchenko

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Vyacheslav Viktorovych Zakharchenko

Candidate of technical sciences since 1993.

The direction of scientific activity: the study of the peculiarities of the operation of mechanical systems of traction rolling stock and theoretical substantiation of directions for their improvement.

Author of 47 scientific works. As part of educational, methodical and scientific work, Associate Professor V. V. Zakharchenko 31 scientific articles, 4 invention patents, and 12 educational and methodological developments were published and prepared for publication.

Tishchenko Vadym

PhD, Associate Professor

Tishchenko Vadym

PhD since 2011.  He defended his PhD thesis at the Specialized Scientific Board D 64.820.04 in specialty 05.22.07 – railway rolling stock and train traction. The subject of his thesis: “Improved methods for calculating the operating loads and wear of crankshaft locomotive power plants.”. His research advisor was Dr.Sci.Eng., Professor V. Moroz.

Scope of scientific interests: study of the features of mechanical systems of traction rolling stock and theoretical substantiation of directions for their improvement.

Author of 30 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 1 patent.


Tat’yana Rudyachenko

Educational engineer

Tat’yana Rudyachenko

Senior laboratory assistant at the “Theoretical Mechanics” department of the Kharkiv Institute of Transport Engineers since 1993.
Senior laboratory technician of the Department “Mechanics and Machine Design” of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport; on a part-time basis – inspector of the educational  department of UkrDAZT since 1997.
Educational engineer of M&MD departments since 2007.