Burlutsky Oleksiy
Position: Assistant
Science degree, academic title: Candidate of technical sciences
Year of birth: 1981
Graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of railway Transport in 2005 majoring in “Rolling stock and special railway transport equipment”.
He graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in Accounting and taxation ». (2018).
Scientific activity direction:
Research of technologies for the production and repair of railway vehicles
The author of more than 60 scientific works and educational and methodological developments, including one monograph, 42 scientific articles, 13 patents for inventions and useful models, 4 educational and methodological developments.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- O. Fomin, O. Kozinka, V. Ishchenko, O. Burlutskyy. Repair means for typical and composite open-wagon bodies- II International Conference “In-service Damage of Materials: Diagnostics and Prediction”-Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) – Р. 523–530.
- Fomin O.V. Theoretical aspects of applied transport mechanics Part 1/ O.V. Fomin, M.I. Gorbunov, end other.//Sievierodonetsk: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National Universit, 2019. – 198 p.
- Scientific Substantiation of Thermal Leveling for Deformations in the Car /V Fomin, O.A Logvinenko, O.V/ Burlutsky, A.V Rybin/ International Journal of Engineering Technology 2018. – №7 (4.3) . – P. 125-129.
- Determining strength indicators for the bearing structure of a covered wagon’s body made from round pipes when transported by a railroad ferry /V Fomin, A. Lovska, V. Masliyev, A. Tsymbaliuk, O. V Burlutsky // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (UAE) №1/7(97) P. 33-40. (2019)
- Burlutskyi V. Features of the method dynamic load body gondola// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (UAE) № 4 (7 (58))P. 47-50. (2012)
- Burlutskyi V. Application methods changes plastic deformation after welding sill gondola cars // Мetallurgical and mining industry (Machine building). – Dnipropetrovsk, 2015. – No.10. – P. 190-197.
- Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Gorobchenko, O., Turpak ,, Kravchenko, K., Burlutski, O. (2019). Analysis of dynamic loading of improved construction of a tank container under operational load modes EUREKA, Physics and Engineering 2019(2), с. 61-70
- Rymar, T.The Study of Manufacturing Thermal Insulation Materials Based on Inorganic Polymers under Microwave Exposure Rymar, T., Tatarchenko, H., Fomin, O., …Beran, M., Burlutskyy, O.Polymers, Volume 14, Issue 15, August 2022, 14(15), 3202
- Danchenko Y. A research of chemical nature and surface properties of plant disperse fillers/ Danchenko Y., Kariev, A.,Andronov, V., Cherkashina, A., Lebedev, V., Shkolnikova, T., Kosse, A., Lutsenko, Y., Yavors’ka, D/Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (UAE) Volume 1, Issue 6-103, 2020, Pages 32-41
- Burlutsky O.V. Consideration of the problem of protection of the right to scientific discovery in the conditions of the NTP of Ukraine / Burlutsky O.V. // Journal of the Kyiv University of Law. -2013. – No. 4. -S. 246-249
- Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 118285, IPC (2017.01) B61F 1/02 (2006.01) B61D 3/00 The method of thermal straightening of the beam of a backbone semi-car / Fomin O.V., Logvinenko O.A., Burlutskyi O.V. (Ukraine); owner: authors. – No. a2017 02689; application 03/22/2017; publ. 25.07.2017, Bull. No. 14.
- Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 214487 IPC (2018.01) B61D 17/00 /Method of manufacturing a welding structure of a semi-wagon riser/ authors O.V. Fomin, O.V. Burlutskyi, O.A. Logvinenko, M.I. Gorbunov, A. Fomina .M. (Ukraine); owner: authors. – No. a2017 10934; application 9.11.2017; publ. 10.04.2018, Bull. No. 7.
- Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 134986 IPC (2019.01) B61D 7/00/ Covered hopper car for grain transportation/ Fomin O.V., Gorbunov M.I., Prokopenko P.M., Burlutskyi O.V., Yevseeva O. .O. Fomina A.M. (Ukraine); owner: authors. – Application No. u2019 00306. from 11.01.2019;; publ. 10.06.2019, Bull. No. 11.
- Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 135562МПК (2006) B61D 7/00, B61D 17/00/ Covered hopper wagon for transporting mineral fertilizers/ Fomin O.V., Gorbunov M.I., Prokopenko P.M., Burlutskyi O. V., Evseeva O.O. Fomina A.M. (Ukraine); owner: authors. – No. a2019 10058, Application 11.01.2019; publ. 10.07.2019, Bul. No. 13.
- Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 139756 IPC (2006.01) B61D 5/06 / Railway tank/ authors O.V. Fomin, M.I. Gorbunov, P.M. Prokopenko, O.V. Burlutskyi, O.O. Yevseeva. Fomina A.M. (Ukraine); owner: authors. – application No. a2017 10934. 11.01.2019; publ. 27.01.2020, Bul. No. 2.