Pluhin Oleksii
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD)
Year of birth: 1985
In 2007, he graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport majoring in “Railway structures and track facilities”.
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD, 2010, specialty “Building Materials and Products”, dissertation “The influence of direct current on the concrete of flooded structures located near electrified railway tracks” defended in the Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture, scientific supervisor Oleh Kalinin, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Building Materials and Structures of UkrSURT).
Scientific activity direction:
Study of the effect of direct current on concrete, constructions made of it and railway structures, development of methods of protection against electrical corrosion; improvement of production technology and properties of composite building materials.
Corresponding member of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine.
More than 70 scientific works and educational and methodological developments, 9 patents for inventions, 2 patents for a utility model. Graduated 1 candidate of technical sciences (PhD).
Awards and diplomas:
Laureate of the award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (2013) for the work “Protection against electrical corrosion and electroprocessing of concrete, products and structures from them” (Authors: Pluhin O.A., Borziak O.S., Martynova V.B., Khalyushev O.K.).
Featured publications:
- Andrii Plugin, Olga Borziak, Oleksii Pluhin, Oksana Krykun, Vitalii Zhuravel. Silicate and Portland cement-based compositions for protection against electrical corrosion. ce/papers, 6 (6) (2023).
- Andrii Plugin, Oleksandr Donets, Liudmyla Trykoz, Oleksii Pluhin. Electromechanical control method of rheological and technological characteristics of building mixtures. Results in Engineering 20 (2023) 101419.
- Плугін А.А., Борзяк О.С., Плугін О.А., Крикун О.П., Зінченко В.В. Розвиток уявлень про електрокорозію конструкцій залізничної колії та удосконалення способів їхнього захисту з застосуванням електропровідних композицій. Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. 204 (2023) 35-52.
- Plugin, A.; Rucińska, T.; Borziak, O.; Pluhin, O.; Zhuravel, V. Electrically Conductive Silicate Composite for Protection against Electrocorrosion. Minerals 2023, 13(5), 610;
- Плугін А.А., Калюжна О.В., Борзяк О.С., Плугін О.А., Савченко О.М. Надшвидке отримання передаточної міцності бетону залізобетонних шпал за допомогою комплексних добавок. Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, 197 (2021) 44-63.
- Плугін А.А., Калюжна О.В., Бабій А.І., Плугін О.А., Овчинніков О.О. Підвищення ранньої міцності бетону залізобетонних шпал за допомогою добавок суперпластифікаторів. Науковий вісник будівництва, 105 (3) (2021) 155-167.
- A.A.Plugin, O.A.Pluhin, V.V.Kasyanov, O.I.Dyomina, D.O.Bondarenko. Portland cement-based penetrating electrically conductive composition for protection against electrocorrosion. Funct. Mater. 2021; 28 (1): 121-130.
- Plugin, A., Iefimenko, A., Borziak, O., Gevorkyan, E., & Pluhin, O. (2021). Establishing patterns in the influence of micro- and nano-dispersed mineral additives on the water resistance of construction gypsum. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1/6 (109), 22–29.
- Plugin, A.A., Borziak, O.S., Pluhin, O.A., Kostuk, T.A., Plugin, D.A. Hydration Products that Provide Water-Repellency for Portland Cement-Based Waterproofing Compositions and Their Identification by Physical and Chemical Methods. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2021, 100 LNCE, pp. 328-335.
- Plugin, A., Kostyuk, T., Bondarenko, D., Pluhin, O., Arutyunov, V. Role of potential-determining ions and water molecules in the structure formation of cement compositions. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 907(1) (2020) 012027.
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Улаштування та експлуатація інженерних споруд | Industrial and Civil Engineering |
2 | Улаштування та експлуатація інженерних споруд | Industrial and Civil Engineering |
3 | Основи надійності та довговічності будівельних конструкцій | Industrial and civil construction |