Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1977
In 2000 graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of of Railway Transport majoring in Rolling stock and special machinery of railway transport.PhD in Engineering Science since 2006. He defended his PhD thesis at the specialized scientific board D 64.820.04 in specialty 05.22.07– “Railway rolling stock and train traction”. The subject of the thesis was “The improvement of maintenance and repair system of freight cars axle-box assembly units”. His research advisor was Dr.Sc., Professor V. Golovko.
Scientific activity direction:
Reliability of wagons, organization and planning of wagons repair production, production logistics in wagons repair.
40 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 3 patents.
Awards and diplomas:
He was awarded the diploma of the winner of the IV regional competition “The best young scientist of Kharkiv region”, 2009.
Member of the International Association of Mechanical Engineers.
Волошин Д.І., Афанасенко І.М. Оцінка ризику виробничих систем з ремонту вагонів. Зб. наук.праць. – Київ: ДЕТУТ, 2016. – Вип.29. – С. 121-126.
Волошин Д.І. До питання підвищення надійності роботи виробничих підрозділів підприємств з ремонту вагонів. Зб. наук.праць. – Харків:УкрДУЗТ, 2015. – Вип.157. – С. 128-131.
Voloshin D., Afanasenko I., DerevianchukYa. Improvementofbrakelevertransmissionfordumpcars. IOP ConferenceSeries: MaterialsScienceandEngineering, Vol. 708, 2019, 012037. doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 708/1/012037.