Science degree, academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1984
In 2007, he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in railway structures and track facilities.
In 2018, he graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport with a degree in Transport Technologies (Railway Transport).
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2012. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council Д64.820.02 in the specialty 05.23.05 – construction materials and products. The subject of the thesis was “The mechanism of influence of alternating leakage current and high voltage on waterlogged concrete, reinforced concrete and stone structures”. Scientific adviser – Doctor of Technical Sciences (Civil Engineering), Professor Andrii A. Plugin.
Associate Professor of “Rail and track facilities” since 2014.
Scientific activity direction:
study of electro-corrosive effects on railway structures and facilities.
author of more than 52 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments. He holds 6 patents.
Awards and diplomas:
Awarded the Badge of Excellence in Education; Certificate of Honour from the Head of the Regional Department «Південно-Західна залізниця»; Certificate of Honour from the Chairman of the Department ПрАТ «Київ-Дніпровського МППЗТ»