Science degree, academic title: Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Year of birth:
He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Kharkiv A.M. Gorky State University in 1970 obtaining Diploma with Honours.
In 1976 he obtained C.Sc. (Ph.D.) degree in Physics and Mathematics (theory of functions and functional analysis). The thesis is defended at the Scientific Council of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Thesis title: “Problems in spectral theory and stability of solutions to systems of differential equations and their perturbations”; supervisor: senior research fellow C.Sc. F.S. Rofe-Beketov.
Scientific activity direction:
spectral theory of differential operators..
of more than 100 scientific publications and tutorials.
Khrabustovskii, V.I. The spectral matrix of a periodic symmetric system whith a degenerate weight on the axis, Teor. Funktsii Functional. Anali Prilozten. 35, 1981, 111-119 (Russian).
Khrabustovskii, V.I. Spectral analysis of periodic systems with degenerate weight on the axis and the semiaxis. J. Sov. Math. 48(3), 345-355 (1990)
Khrabustovskii, V.I. Spectral analysis of periodic systems with degenerate weight (expansions in Bloch solutions). J. Sov. Math. 48(5), 598-607 (1990).
Khrabustovskii, V.I. On a characteristic matrix of Weyl-Titchmarsh type for differential-operator equations which the spectral contains parameter in linear or in a Nevanlinnas manner. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom. 10(2), 205-227 (2003).