Lavrukhin Oleksandr Valeriyovych
Position: Head of the Department
Science degree, academic title: Doctor of technical sciences, professor
Year of birth: 1978
In 2000 he graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport majoring in “Organization of Transportation and Railway Transport Management”, was awarded the qualification “Organization of transportation and railway management engineer””.
PhD in Sci. Eng. since 2005. He defended his thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, programme subject area 05.22.20 “Operation and repair of vehicles”. Thesis title “Improving the automated working place of a train dispatcher using fuzzy logic”. Scientific supervisor – Dr. Sci. Eng., Prof. M. I. Danko.
Dr. Sci. Eng. since 2013. He defended his thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, programme subject area 05.22.01 “Transport systems”. Thesis title: “Formation of models and methods of intelligent technology for operational train traffic management”. Scientific consultant – Dr. Sci. Eng., Prof. M. I. Danko.
Member of the International Academy of Life Safety since 2015.
Corresponding Member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine since 2016.
Scientific activity direction:
modern intelligent technologies of transportation process control.
The author has more than 100 scientific and methodological works. He has 2 utility model patents and 4 invention patents. He prepared 3 PhDs in Sci. Eng.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Lavrukhin O., Kovalov A., Schevcenko V., Kyman A., Kulova D. Construction of an integrated criterion for estimating the consequences of emergencies involving dangerous good. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2019. Vol. 2, Issue 3 (98). P. 25-31.URL:
- Лаврухін О.В., Запара В.М., Ковальов А.О. та ін. Організація вантажної роботи на транспорті: навчальний посібник. 2015. 188 с. ISBN 978-966-303-564-2.
- Лаврухін О.В. Формування моделі роботи залізничної станії при виконанні поїзної роботи. Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ. 2016. Вип. 149. С. 5-9.URL:
- Панченко С.В., Лаврухін О.В., Котенко А.М., Каграманян А.О., Шевченко В.І., Пархоменко О.О. Удосконалення технології і умов перевезення багажу та поштових відправлень залізницею. Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ. 2016. Вип. 159, т.1. С. 10-16.URL:
- Panchenko S., Lavrukhin O., Shapatina O. Сreating a qualimetric criterion for the generalized level of vehicle. Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. 2017. Vol. 1, № 3(85). P. 39–45.URL:
- Lavrukhin O., Zapara V., Zapara Y., Shapatina O., Bogomazova G. Investigation into the bimodal transportation process by modelling rail module states. Transport Problems. 2017. Vol. 12. Issue 2. P. 99–112.URL:
- Lavrukhin O., Zapara V., Baulina H., Zapara Y., Kyman A. Rationalization of the use of alternative rolling stock for transportation of vegetable cargo with insufficient number of grain hoppers. International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 2018. 7 (4.3 Special Issue 3), – pp. 251-256.URL:
- Lavrukhin O., Kovalov A., Kulova D., Panchenko A. Formation of a model for the rational placement of cars with dangerous goods in a freight train. Procedia Computer Science. 2019. Vol. 149. P. 28–35.URL:
- Forming an automated technology to actively monitor the transportation of dangerous cargoes by railroad Lavrukhin, O., Vernyhora, R., Schevcenko, V., Kulova, D., Kim, K. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2020, 3(3-105), P. 78–85.URL:
- Improving the Quality of Railway Operation to Extend the Services of Transportation of Cargo of Small Volume Lavrukhin, O., Kravets, A., Parkhomenko, L., Panchenko, A., Ivaskovska, N. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure., 2020, Part F1382, P. 35–43.URL:
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Cargo transportation | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
2 | Organization of dangerous goods transportation | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
3 | Organization of cargo operations | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
4 | Сlaim management | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
5 | Automation of transport technologies | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
6 | Methods and forms of management activities | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |