Vasyl Ravlyuk

Position: Professor

Science degree, academic title: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Year of birth: 1980


In 2003, he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and received a diploma in the specialty “Rolling stock and special equipment of railway transport”, professional qualification – mechanical engineer of railway transport.

In 2004, he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and received a diploma in the specialty – “Rolling stock and special equipment of railway transport”, professional qualification – master railway transport mechanic.

In 2006, he graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and received a diploma in “Enterprise Economics”, professional qualification – economist.

In 2020, he graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport and received a diploma in the specialty – “Transportation technologies in railway transport”, educational program – “Transportation organization and management in transport”.

Candidate of technical sciences since 2014. He defended his dissertation in the specialized academic board D64.820.04 of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport on 05.22.07, specialty “Rolling stock and traction of trains”, the topic “Improving the technology of vibration diagnostics of the axle bearings of freight cars during intermediate revisions”.

In 2018, he received the academic title of associate professor of the department of wagons.

Doctor of Technical Sciences since 2024. He defended his dissertation in the specialized academic board D64.820.04 of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport on 05.22.07, specialty “Rolling stock and traction of trains”, the topic “Development of scientific foundations for ensuring the movement of trains by improving the efficiency of operation of brake systems of freight cars”.

Scientific activity direction:

Technical operation and repair of cars, brake systems of rolling stock


Author of more than 230 scientific works. As part of the educational and methodological work, Associate Professor V. G. Ravlyuk published and prepared for publication 230 scientific and methodological and educational and methodological developments, of which 84 are scientific articles, including 64 that are included in publications indexed in the Index Copernicus scientometric databases. Google Scholar, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) and 20 publications indexed in Scopus scientometric databases; 79 abstracts of reports at international practical and technical conferences; 7 Ukrainian patents for inventions and utility models; 61 educational and methodological developments, including 2 educational manuals with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, 15 lecture notes and 44 methodological instructions (recommendations).

Awards and diplomas:

In 2020, he was awarded a diploma for the high level of training of a student who took 2nd place in the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the specialty “Railway Transport Infrastructure”.

Featured publications:

  1. Равлюк В. Г. Оцінювання факторів утворення дуального фрикційного зносу гальмових колодок. Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій: Серія «Транспортні системи і технології». 2018. № 31 (2017). С. 109 – 126. URL: ISSN 2617-9040
  2. Равлюк В. Г. Спрощений кінетостатичний аналіз гальмової важільної передачі візків вантажних вагонів. Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій: Серія «Транспортні системи і технології». 2018. № 32. С. 55 – 70. URL: ISSN 2617-9040
  3. Равлюк В. Г. Дефініція особливостей дуального зносу гальмових колодок вантажних вагонів. Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. 2019. Вип. 183. С. 46 – 59. URL: ISSN 1994-7852
  4. Равлюк В. Г. Дослідження особливостей дуального зносу колодок у гальмовій системі вантажних вагонів. Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна. 2019. №. 2 (80). С. 111 – 126. ISSN 2307-3489
  5. Равлюк В. Г. Модернізація елементів гальмової важільної передачі візків вантажних вагонів. Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна. 2019. Вип. 5 (83).
    С. 108 ‒ 121. ISSN 2307-3489
  6. Ravlyuk V. H., Mykhalkiv S.V., Rybin A. V., Derevianchuk Ia. V., Plakhtiy O. A. Forecasting of wear of pads of modernized brake system devices of bogies of freight cars using ARIMA models. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 48 – 54. ISSN 2071-2227
  7. Panchenko S., Lovska A., Ravlyuk V., Babenko A., Derevyanchuk O., Zharovа O., Derevianchuk Y. Detecting the influence of uneven loading of the brake shoe in a freight car bogie on its strength. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2023. № 5/7 (125) P. 6 ‒ 13. ISSN 1729-3774
  8. Panchenko S., Vatulia G., Lovska A., Ravlyuk V., Elyazov I., Huseynov I. Influence of structural solutions of an improved brake cylinder of a freight car of railway transport on its load in operation. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. 2022. Vol. 6. P. 45 – 55. ISSN 2461-4254
  9. Panchenko S., Gerlici J., Vatulia G., Lovska A., Ravlyuk V., Harusinec J. Studying the load of composite brake pads under high-temperature impact from the rolling surface of wheels. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. 2023. Vol. 4. P. 155 – 167. ISSN 2461-4254
  10. Panchenko S., Gerlici J., Vatulia G., Lovska A., Ravlyuk V., Rybin A. Method for determining the factor of dual wedge-shaped wear of composite brake pads for freight wagons. Communications. Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina. 2024. Vol. 26 (1). P. B31 – B40. ISSN 1335-4205

The main subjects that teaches are:

NumberDisciplineEducation Program/Higher Education Level
1Basics of operation and restoration of wagonsRailcars and transport engineering
2Modern technologies of operation and restoration of wagonsRailcars and Railcar Facilities
3Modern equipment for technical maintenance of wagonsRailcars and Railcar Facilities