Zagriichuk Ivan
Position: professor
Science degree, academic title: doctor of philosophy science, professor
Year of birth: 1955
Graduated from the Kolomyia Medical School (Kolomyya, Ivano-Frankivsk region), where he became a specialized medical assistant. Before the military service in the USSR Navy (May 1974 – June 1977) he headed the paramedic-midwifery station for some time.
In 1982 he graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv (today Taras Shevchenko National University), having received the specialty of philosopher and lecturer of philosophical disciplines.
Since 1982 he has been working at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology (formerly Philosophy and Scientific Communism). In 1988, after graduation from Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, defended his PhD thesis in philosophy. In 1991 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. At the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport he went from assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor to the dean of the Faculty of Humanities. From 1996 to 2010 he headed the Department of Philosophy and Sociology. In 2010 he defended his PhD in philosophy. Today he is a professor at the same department.
Author of 160 scientific works and educational and methodological developments: including 153 scientific, 1 monograph, 6 educational and methodical works.
Direction of scientific research: history of philosophy, theory of cognition, social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.
He is Member of the specialized scientific council D.64.051.06 at the National Karazin University of Kharkiv specialty 09.00.04 – philosophical anthropology, philosophy of cultures.
He is Member of the editorial board of the scientific almanac “University Chair”.
He participates in the certification of scientific personnel as an official opponent and a member of the specialized council.
Scientific activity direction:
history of philosophy, theory of cognition, social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.
Author of 160 scientific works and educational and methodological developments: including 153 scientific, 1 monograph, 6 educational and methodical works.
Awards and diplomas:
Awarded with the “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” badge and Honorary Certificate from the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine.
Featured publications:
- Zagrijchuk I.D.Rol filosofskoyi svidomosti v stanovlenni ta rozvitku nacionalnoyi kulturi. Naukovij visnik Cherniveckogo universitetu. – Seriya: «Filosofiya»: zbirnik naukovih prac. – Chernivci: Cherniveckij nacionalnij universitet, 2013.– Vipusk 665-666. – S. 72-76 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D.Tipologiya racionalnosti. Shid: analitichno-informacijnij zhurnal. – Doneck: Ukrayinskij kulturologichnij centr, 2013. – № 5 (125). – S. 209-213 (fahove vidannya) (u spivavtorstvi I.V. Chornomordenko)
- Zagrijchuk I.D.Nacionalna ideya: do problemi viznachennya. Visnik Cherkaskogo universitetu. – Seriya: «Filosofiya». – Cherkasi: Cherkaskij nacionalnij universitet imeni Bogdana Hmelnickogo, 2013. – № 31 (284). – S. 3-9 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D.Filosofiya yak sposib rozv’yazannya protirich budennoyi svidomosti. Visnik Zhitomirskogo derzhavnogo universitetu imeni Ivana Franka. – Zhitomir: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2013. – № 72(6). – S. 16-20 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D. Pozanaukova racionalnist i yiyi misce v sistemi kulturi. Visnik Nacionalnogo universitetu «Yuridichna akademiya Ukrayini imeni Yaroslava Mudrogo». – Seriya: «Filosofiya, filosofiya prava, politologiya, sociologiya»: zbirnik naukovih prac. – Harkiv: Pravo, 2014. – №1 (20). – S. 23-31 (fahove vidannya) (u spivavtorstvi I.V.Chornomordenko)
- Zagrijchuk I.D. Ukrayinska elita yak vazhliva skladova socialno-kulturnoyi cilisnosti naciyi. Gileya: naukovij visnik. – Kiyiv: PP «Vidavnictvo «Gileya», 2014. – Vipusk 80 (№ 1). – S. 207-211 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D. Osobistist i naciya. Recenziya na monografiyu Volodimira Sabaduhi «Ukrayinska nacionalna ideya ta koncepciya osobistisnogo buttya»:Monografiya/2-e vid., vipravlene/ V. Sabaduha. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2016. – 176s. Universitetska kafedra №5/ 2016. – K.:KNEU, U 59 2015. – 199s. ISSN2227-1503 -s.193-198 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D. Filosofiya dosokratikiv: vitoki sistemnogo mislennya // Visnik Donbaskogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu. Seriya: Socialno-filosofski problemi rozvitku lyudini i suspilstva: zb. nauk. pr./ [zasnov. Donbas. ped. un-t; redkol.: L.I. Mozkovij (golov. red..) – 2019, vip.. 2(11). – Slov’yaesk: DDPU, 2019. – s. 15-28 (fahove vidannya)
- Zagrijchuk I.D. Vchennya Platona pro ideyi yak konkretno-istorichne rozuminnya istini // Visnik Zhitomirskogo derzhavnogo universitetu meni Ivana Franka. Filosofski nauki. – 2019. – Vipusk №2 (86). – s. 92-100 (fahove vidannya)
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | philosophy of science | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
2 | philosophical problems of today | Artificial Intelligence Technologies |
3 | philosophy | Customs control on transport (railway transport) |