Syvohrakova Zarina

Position: Associate Professor

Science degree, academic title: Сandidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor

Year of birth: 1966


Received a PhD academic degree  in psychology in 2010, defended the thesis “The psychological peculiarities of coping by students with difficult life situations ” at the M.Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Specialty 19.00.07 – Pedagogical and Age Psychology.

Working experience in  NGOs, international programs and projects:

2001-2010 – UNDP / UNAIDS / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Program “Promoting peer-to-peer education for healthy young people in Ukraine”. National coach, supervisor, in the team of co-authors – the developer of methodical materials.

2006-2007 – Project of the NGO “Youth Council for the Social Issues of the Growing Generation” / UCAN / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Promoting Reduce Discrimination of  HIV-positive Children and Children from Families Affected by HIV / AIDS” in pre-school educational institutions of Kyiv, Odessa, Crimea». Coach, in the team of co-authors – the developer of methodical materials.

2002 – Project of the European Commission / British Council in Ukraine “HIV / AIDS prevention for young people”. Supervisor.

Experience of cooperation with business organizations:

1998-2005 – held trainings, seminars on management psychology, effective sales, team building for the companies “Foxtrot”, Zepter, AA “Saxonya”, NGO “Ukrainian Union of Advertisers” and others.

2014 – participated in seminars for the Southern Railway department managers.

2019 – participated in the School of the Best Practices in Psychological and Pedagogical Minimum of Industrial Training Instructors for Representatives of All Divisions (Regional Units) of “Ukrzaliznytsya”

Scientific activity direction:

Research interests: age and pedagogical psychology, psychology of coping with difficult life situations, preventology.



Author of 73  among which: educational and methodological – 17 (including 7 – recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and of the Academic Council of the University). 19 – published in Psychological Journals and presented in international scientometric databases


Awards and diplomas:

– Diploma for the best methodical publication “Development of students’ abilities to cope with difficult life situations. Interactive Methods in Student Group Curators’ Work” in the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport (2005)

– Honorary diploma for conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the teaching of personnel for railway transport, high professionalism and on the occasion of a professional holiday – Railway Day (2012).

– Acknowledgment from the administration of the Moscow district of Kharkiv for the significant contribution to teaching and education of highly qualified specialists in the field of railway transport of Ukraine, active scientific and public activity and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (2015).

– Acknowledgment from the Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport for many years of conscientious work, valuable work, high professionalism and on the occasion of personal anniversary (2016)

– Acknowledgment from the Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport for conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the teaching of personnel for railway transport, high professionalism and on the occasion of a professional holiday – Railway Day (2018)

Featured publications:

  1. Sivograkova Z.A. Psihologichni komponenti strukturi profesijnoyi kompetentnosti fahivcya v suchasnih naukovih doslidzhennyah / Z.A.Sivograkova // Virtus: Scientific Journal / Editor-in-Chief M.A.Zhurba – October #3, 2015. – P. 55-57 (stattya, zhurnal «Virtus»
    predstavlenij u nastupnih mizhnarodnih naukometrichnih bazah danih: Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) (USA), Citefactor (USA), International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF), Mezhdunarodnyj Centr ISSN 2410-4388)
  2. Sivograkova Z.A Problema psihologichnoyi kompetentnosti fahivciv u suchasnih naukovih doslidzhennyah. Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zbirnik naukovih prac Institutu psihologiyi imeni G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. – K.: Vidavnictvo «Feniks», 2013. – T.HII. Psihologiya tvorchosti. – Vipusk 16. – S.434-440 (fahove vidannya)
  3. Sivograkova Z.A Analiz metodologichnih pidhodiv shodo psihologo-pedagogichnogo spriyannya rozvitku kompetentnosti majbutnogo fahivcya Naukovij visnik Mikolayivskogo nacionalnogo universitetu imeni V.O.Suhomlinskogo. Psihologichni nauki : zbirnik naukovih prac / za S.D.Maksimenka, N.O.Yevdokimovoyi. – Mikolayiv: MNU imeni V.O.Suhomlinskogo, 2014. – Vip. 2.13 (109). – S. 196-200. (fahove vidannya)
  4. Sivograkova Z.A Mozhlivosti suchasnih pidhodiv psihologo-pedagogichnoyi praktiki shodo rozvitku profesijnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnih fahivciv u VNZ. Gumanitarnij visnik DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Hmelnickij derzhavnij pedagogichnij universitet imeni Grigoriya Skovorodi» – Dodatok 1 do Vip. 36, Tom V(65) : Tematichnij vipusk «Visha osvita Ukrayini u konteksti integraciyi do yevropejskogo osvitnogo prostoru». – K.: Gnozis, 2015. – S.438-445 (fahove vidannya)
  5. Sivograkova Z.A. Profesijne samoviznachennya osobistosti v period navchannya u VNZ yak predmet suchasnogo psihologichnogo doslidzhennya: pidhodi i modeli / Z.A. Sivograkova //Gumanitarnij visnik DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Hmelnijkij derzhavnij pedagogichnij universitet imeni G.S. Skovorodi. – Vip.. 37(3), tom 1(21); Tematichnij vipusk «Mizhnarodni Chelpanivski psishologo-pedagogichni chitannya». – K.: Gnozis, 2017. – s. 202-209 (fahove vidannya)
  6. Sivograkova Z.A. Osoblivosti psihologichnih komponentiv osobistisnogo i profesijnogo samoviznachennya studentiv tehnichnogo VNZ. // Gumanitarnij visnik DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Hmelnickij derzhavnij pedagogichnij universitet imeni Grigoriya Skovorodi» – Vip..37(4), Tom 1 (23): Tematichnij vipusk «Mizhnarodni Chelpanivski psihologo-pedagogichni chitannya». – Druge vidannya. – K.: Gnozis, 2018. – 390s. s. 114-122.( 0,5 dr.ark.).(fahove vidannya).
  7. Sivograkova Z.A. Rol disciplin psihologichnogo zmistu u rozvitkovi «soft-skills» kompetencij majbutnih fahivciv tehnichnih specialnostej u procesi pidgotovki u ZVO// Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zbirnik naukovih prac Institutu psihologiyi imeni G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. K., DP «Informacijno – analitichne agentstvo», 2019. Tom 10. Psihologiya navchannya. Genetichna psihologiya. Medichna Psihologiya. Vip.. 33 s. 178-183(fahove vidannya)
  8. Z.A.Sivograkova, N.V.Alyeksyeyenko .Psihologiya: Navchalnij posibnik.- Harkiv: UkrDAZT, 2007. – 300s.
    Lisyanska T.M., Sivograkova Z.A. Podolannya skladnih zhittyevih situacij u yunackomu vici / T.M. Lisyanska, Z.A. Sivograkova // Osobistisno-profesijne zrostannya: psihologichni treningi : navchalno-metodichnij posibnik / Za. red. prof. L.V.Dolinskoyi, prof. O.V.Temruk. – K. : Karavela, 2017. – S.189-256. (rozdil u navchalno-metodichnomu posibniku, rekomendovano do druku Vchenoyu radoyu NPU imeni M.P.Dragomanova, protokol №9 vid 30 bereznya 2017r.)
  9. Sivograkova Z.A. Osoblivosti konativnogo komponentu kopingu studentiv tehnichnogo VNZ. Labirinti realnosti: Zb. Naukovih prac / za zag. Red. d.filos.n. Zhurbi M.A. – Rubizhne: vid-vo SNU im. V.Dalya, 2015. – s.148-150.
  10. Sivograkova Z.A. Metodichni osoblivosti vikoristannya psihodiagnostichnih metodik u mezhah navchalnih kursiv psihologichnogo zmistu dlya studentiv nepsihologichnih specialnostej. Problemi organizaciyi ta vprovadzhennya osvitnogo procesu v universiteti za vidpovidnimi rivnyami ta stupenyami. Naukovo-metodichna konferenciya (2-3 grudnya 2015 roku), UkrDUZT.: UkrDUZS, 2015. – 0,1 dr.ark. Sivograkova Z.A., Silantyev A.S. Ponyattya zhittyetvorchosti i profesijnogo samoviznachennya u psihologichnih doslidzhennyah procesu stanovlennya osobistosti // Aktualni pitannya, problemi ta perspektivi rozvitku gumanitarnogo znannya u suchasnomu informacijnomu prostori: nacionalnij ta internacionalnij aspekti : zb. naukovih prac / Za zag. red. d.filos.n. Zhurbi M.A. – Chastina 2. – Monreal: «NBK»; Syevyerodoneck: vid-vo SNU im. V.Dalya, 2016. – S.79-81

The main subjects that teaches are:

NumberDisciplineEducation Program/Higher Education Level
1PsychologyAccounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions
2Psychology and sociologyComputer, Information Control Systems
3Psychology of business communicationEnergy and Environmental Control and Auditing in Railway Transport