29 September 2024

5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES»

Dear Сolleagues!

Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry for restoration communities, territories and infrastructure development of Ukraine, JSC «Ukrainian Railway», Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine, Association of Technologists – Machine Builders of Ukraine, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Poznan University of Technology, Scientific institution Transporta akadēmija (Riga), School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Glasgow, Technische Universität Wien, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, University of Life Sciences in Lublin invite you to take part in the work of

5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «Intelligent Transport Technologies»,

which will take place on November 25-27, 2024 online.


The conference is aimed at the intellectualization of digital technologies, systematic management of transport units, exchange of experience, expansion of international cooperation, introduction of advanced research methods.


Acceptance of registration forms of participants, abstracts of reports: until November 18, 2024
Plenary session: November 25, 2024 at 10 o’clock
Work in sections: November 25-27, 2024
Conference form: remote


Accepted materials will be published in the conference collection of abstracts of the conference, which will be posted on the conference website.
If desired, the participants of the conference can submit an article in the original language for publication in the collection of scientific works of UkrSURT and the Journal “Information and control systems on railway transport” (included in the list of specialized publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and scient metric databases Index Copernicus, Google Scholar and others). Rules for writing articles are given on the websites https://kart. edu.ua/unit/zbirnik-ukrsurt and https://kart.edu.ua/unit/ zhurnal-ikszht.

For publication, participants should submit their papers to the Conference Secretariat before November 18, 2024. The papers should not exceed two pages in formats Surname.doc and Surname.pdf in one of the languages of the conference (Ukrainian, English).
Text materials should be written using Microsoft Office Word for Windows, 14 pt font size, Times New Roman font, single line spacing, 7-mm indention, and built-in editor for formulas. Top, bottom, left and right margins should be 20 mm each.

The authors are responsible for the content of the thesis.


  1. UDC is printed in capital letters, bold
  2. The title of the paper (with bold capital letters).
  3. The authors (scientific ranks, initials, surname with bold italic).
  4. The name of the organization (city) they represent (with italic).
  5. The body of the paper.
  6. List of links, text font 10 pt, typeface – Times New Roman, without indentation


In order to register for the 4th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Intelligent Transport Technologies”, you need to fill out the registration form by November 18, 2024, which is available on the conference website , and send it to the address of the organizing committee itt@kart.edu.ua to register for participation in the conference. Abstracts of the report and a copy of the fee payment receipt should also be sent to the e-mail of the conference organizing committee at itt@kart.edu.ua.

Participation fee
Participation in the ITT 2024 conference is free of charge and includes the publication of abstracts of reports in the collection of conference materials and an electronic certificate of the participant t (30 hours / 1,0 credits ECTS).


5th International Scientific and Technical Conference  «INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES»