5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES»
Dear Сolleagues!
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine, Association of Mechanical Engineering Technologists of Ukraine, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Poznan University of Technology, Scientific institution Transporta akadēmija (Riga), School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Glasgow, Technische Universität Wien, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, University of Life Sciences in Lublin invite you to take part in the work of the
5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «Intelligent Transport Technologies»,
which will be held online on November 25-27, 2024 .
Acceptance of registration forms of participants and theses of reports
until November 18, 2024
Plenary session November 25, 2024 at 11 a.m. Connection
Sectional work November 26-27, 2024
The form of the conference. remote
PLENARY SESSION of the 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «Intelligent Transport Technologies»
Time: November 25, 2024 11:00 AM Kyiv time
Connect to Zoom Conference: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7102850907
Conference ID: 710 285 0907
Access code: 159357
Section meetings
Section “Development of intelligent technologies in the management of transport systems”
Head of the section – D.Sc. (Tech), Professor Andriy Prokhorchenko
Secretary of the section – Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor Denis Konstantinov
November 26, 2024 from 14-00 to 18-00 Kyiv time
Connection: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7102850907
Conference ID: 710 285 0907
Access code: 159357
Section “Transport systems and logistics”
Head of the section – D.Sc. (Tech), professor, Professor Denis Lomotko
Secretary of the section – Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor Olga Shapatina
November 26, 2024
from 14-00 to 18-00 Kyiv time
Connection: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4660216615
Conference ID: 466 021 6615
Access code: 762185
Section “Intelligent design and service in transport”
Head of the section – D.Sc. (Tech), professor, Professor Oleksandr Ohar
Secretary of the section – Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor Viktor Prokhorov
November 26, 2024
from 14:00 to 18:00 Kyiv time
Connection: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2953815742
Conference ID: 295 381 5742
Access code: 111
Section “Functional materials and technologies in the manufacture and restoration of transport parts”
Head of the section – D.Sc. (Tech), professor, Professor Larisa Timofeeva
Secretary of the section – Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor Tatyana Golovko
November 26, 2024
from 14:00 to 18:00 Kyiv time
Conference ID: 6276153751
Access code: 941015
Serhiy Panchenko (head) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, acting Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) | |
Ivan Fedorko (co-chairman) | Head of the Traffic Management Center JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (Ukraine) | |
Victor Berestenko (co-chairman) | Ph.D., president of the Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine (Ukraine) | |
Serhiy Klymenko (co-chairman) | D.Sc. (Tech), Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the V.M. Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, General Director of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization Association of Mechanical Engineers of Ukraine (Ukraine) | |
Thierry Horsin (co-chairman) | Professor (Professor in Mathematics / Director of the Mathematics and Statistics Department), Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (France) | |
Franciszek Tomaszewski (co-chairman) | Dr. hab. inż, prof., Poznan University of Technology (Poland) | |
Mareks Mezitis (co-chairman) | Dr.sc.ing., Head of Scientific Institution Transporta Akadēmija (Rīga) (Latvija) | |
Artur Kahramanyan (co-chairman) | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) | |
Tatyana Butko (co-chairman) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the Department of Operational Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Section “Development of intelligent technologies in the management of transport systems”
Andriy Prokhorchenko (head) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Operational Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Keshav Dahal | Prof., School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, UWS, Glasgow, Scotland, (UK) |
Markus Lagler | Univ. Ass. Dipl.-Ing. BA BSc Technische Universität Wien: Vienna (Austria) |
Valery Samsonkin | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Transport Technologies and Management of Transportation Processes of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine) |
Yulia Koskina | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the department fleet operation and sea transport technology Odessa National Maritime University (Ukraine) |
Vyacheslav Matsyuk | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the department of transport technologies and means of agriculture at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management (Ukraine) |
Albina Kuzmenko | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor, head of the Department of Transport Technologies and International Logistics at the University of Customs and Finance (Ukraine) |
Andriy Okorokov | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor, head of the transport service and logistics department of the Dnipro Institute of Infrastructure and Transport of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Ukraine) |
Section “Transport systems and logistics”
Denis Lomotko (head) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the Department of Transport Systems and Logistics of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Tomasz Perzyński | Dr. hab. inż., prof. UTH Rad (Ph.D. Eng., Associate Professor), Dean of the Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (Poland) |
Jerzy Wojciechowski | Dr. hab. inż., prof. UTH Rad (Ph.D. Eng., Associate Professor), Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (Poland) |
Peter Gorbachev | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the department of transport systems and logistics of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University (Ukraine) |
Dmytro Kozachenko | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the transport service and logistics department of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Ukraine) |
Anton Kovalev | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor, head of the freight and commercial work management department of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Anna Prymachenko | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor of the Department of Transport Systems and Logistics of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Section “Intelligent design and service in transport”
Oleksandr Ohar (head) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, Head of the Department of Railway Stations and Junctions of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Mykhailo Babaev | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, Head of the Department of Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Mykola Moroz | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the department of transport technologies Kremenchug National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi (Ukraine) |
Volodymyr Puzyr | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the Department of Operation and Repair of Rolling Stock of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Oleksandr Ustenko | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Operation and Repair of Rolling Stock of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Viktor Myronenko | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the department of management of commercial activity of railways of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine) |
Svetlana Sapronova | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Management of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine) |
Yuri Datsun | D.Sc. (Tech), associate Professor of the Department of Operation and Repair of Rolling Stock of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Maxim Kutsenko | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate Professor of the Department of Railway Stations and Junctions, Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Process Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Section “Functional materials and technologies in the manufacture and restoration of transport parts”
Larisa Timofeeva (head) | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Vitaly Vlasovets | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, vice-rector for scientific work of the State University of Biotechnology (Ukraine) |
Diana Hlushkova | D.Sc. (Tech), professor, head of the department of metal technology and materials science of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University (Ukraine) |
Zbigniew Krzysiak | Dr. hab. inż., prof. uczelni, University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) |
Miroslaw Rucki | Ph.D., professor, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom (Poland) |
Tatyana Roik | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the department of technology of printing production of the National Technical University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky” (Ukraine) |
Vitaly Dmytryk | D.Sc. (Tech), Professor of the Welding Department of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine) |
Edwin Gevorkian | D.Sc. (Tech), professor of the Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Maryna Kopeykina | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., leading researcher of the Institute of Super hard Materials named after V.M. Bakulya of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine) |
Conference Secretariat
Tatyana Golovko | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor of the Department of Operational Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Denis Konstantinov | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor of the Department of Operational Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Viktor Prokhorov | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor of the Department of Operational Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Olga Shapatina | Ph.D. in Sci. Eng., associate professor of the Department of Cargo and Commercial Work Management of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine) |
Accepted materials will be published in the collection of conference abstracts, which will be posted on conference website.
If desired, conference participants can submit an article in the original language for publication in the collection of scientific works of UkrSURT and scientific and technical magazine “Information and control systems in railway transport”(included in the list of professional publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and scient metric databases Index Copernicus, Google Scholar and others). Rules for the design of articles are given on the websites https://kart.edu.ua/unit/zbirnik-ukrsurt and https://kart.edu.ua/unit/zhurnal-ikszht
In order to publish the conference materials on time, the participants must send to the conference secretariat by November 18, 2024 abstracts of the report up to 2 pages in format Surname.doc and Surname.pdf in one of the languages of the conference (Ukrainian, English).
Text materials are prepared and printed using text editors MS Word for Windows, text font should be 14 pt, typeface – Times New Roman, line spacing – 1, paragraph indent – 7 mm, for setting formulas use the built-in formula editor. Margins of 20 mm on all sides.
Authors are responsible for the content of abstracts of reports.
Thesis structure:
1. UDC is printed in capital letters, in bold.
2. The title of theses is printed in capital letters, in bold type (in the original language and in English).
3. Authors (academic degree, initials, surname), in bold, italic font (in the original language and in English).
4. The name of the organization where the author works (city), in italics (original language and English).
5. The text of the report or thesis.
6. List of references, text font 10 pt, typeface – Times New Roman, without indentation.
In order to register for the 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Intelligent Transport Technologies”, you need to fill out the registration form by November 18, 2024, which is available at conference website, and send it together with abstracts of the report to the address of the conference organizing committeeitt@kart.edu.ua.
Participation in the ITT2024 conference is free of charge and includes the publication of abstracts of reports in the collection of conference materials and an electronic certificate of the participant.
Address: | Maidan Feuerbacha, 7, 61050, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
Telephones: | +38 (095) 838-91-72, +38 (093) 062-02-36, +38 (099) 420-45-28, +38 (066) 812-48-89 |
Email: | itt@kart.edu.ua |
Website: | https://kart.edu.ua/novini-kafedri-uer/5-ta-mizhnarodna-naukovo-tehnichna-konferencija-intelektualni-transportni-tehnologii |
Conducting annual ITT conferences 2020-2024 helped to increase the publication, preparation and protection of dissertation work, involvement of students in scientific work, exchange of teachers with scientific institutions of EU countries, conclusion of contracts for the implementation of research and grant projects.
During the reporting period, from 2020 to 2024, ITT conferences were published and published: ITT2020 – 100 participants / 50 works; ITT2021 – 150 participants / 100 works; ITT2022 – 229 participants / 119 works; ITT2023 – 307 participants / 183 works; ITT2024 – 308 participants / 162 of the work.
Certificates by link