Welcome to website of Department of Legal Support and Transport Administration of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.
Department of Legal Support and Transport Administration was recently established as a structural subdivision of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport and is a part of Educational and Research Center for Humanitarian Education.
Thank you for choosing our university as a higher education establishment where regardless of training direction one will receive necessary knowledge in certain fields of natural, exact, social sciences and humanities.
Department policy is based on the fact that cognitive activity of any person ensures its development, and society ensures its progress.
Law is not an isolated social phenomenon. Legal system of Ukraine has deep roots and is built as other continental European legal systems on Roman law which makes it very similar to them.
Results of education provide an opportunity to make better, reasonable decisions, make person more competitive in labor market. Education helps to satisfy personal ambitions, increase self-esteem and ensure financial stability.
Legal awareness makes person protected to confidently step towards his or her goal.
The department offers students to study certain set of legal disciplines, which are guaranteed to be supported by results of teachers of the department.
Scientific activity of the department is in relevant areas of legal science. Teachers of the department take active part in scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, review scientific papers. Current activity of the department is cooperation through networks, programs and projects.
Educational process is personally focused on student. Methodology of the department combine traditional and innovative forms. Due to this, students` knowledge of new technologies is consolidated, habits of creative work and self-improvement are formed.
The department ensures appropriate level of academic integrity.
Students` scientific club “Legal Support of Transport Activity” works at the department.
The department has close ties with leading scientific institutions of Ukraine, foreign scientific institutions, industrial and commercial enterprises.
Quality of educational material is provided by seven teachers of the department, including two Doctors of Sciences (Pedagogical and Legal), who have academic title of professor, four PhDs in legal sciences and one of psychological sciences, who have academic title of associate professor, one of senior lecturer. Staff of the department is supplemented by two part-time teachers.
The department is headed by PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor K. V. Kim.
Staff of the department:
- PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor K. V. Kim;
- Senior Lecturer A. V. Kolisnikov.
Disciplines taught at the department:
- Law;
- Jurisprudence;
- Fundamentals of Law;
- Land Law;
- Social Responsibility and Intellectual Property;
- Intellectual Property and Contract Law;
- Legal Issues of Manager (Commercial Law);
- Transport Law;
- Law in Public Administration;
- Legal Support of Freight Forwarding;
- Intellectual Property.
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