Research work of the department
We invite to cooperation both executors and companies of customers of services in the field of scientific researches concerning the organization and management of transportations on the railway transport of Ukraine.
The main difference of our research is the best scientific experience in creating mathematical models and programs for simulation, optimization and search for rational solutions, which provides a scientifically sound approach to solving practical problems in the operation of railway transport based on the development of intelligent control systems. The high level of research work is based on the experience of fundamental and applied research in the field of theory of operation of transport systems, including railways.
Our capabilities:
– provision of independent consulting services in the field of railway transport management of Ukraine;
– research in the field of reforming the railway transport of Ukraine, in particular the development of measures and regulations for the development of the market for the sale of railway infrastructure capacity in terms of non-discriminatory access to the railway network;
– research and development of technologies for transportation of passengers and goods by rail of Ukraine;
– automation of technological processes of railway stations (automation of shift-daily work plan of the station), directions (automation of procedures for selection of rational schemes of car and train flows), or network as a whole (automation of train formation plan), railway enterprises of industrial transport (automation of contact schedule) interaction of the enterprise and the railway station of adjacency), in particular development of concepts, requirements and technical tasks concerning complex automated control systems;
– research and calculation of railway infrastructure capacity;
– automation of train schedule development (construction of standard hydraulic fracturing in automatic mode for single-track, double-track, single-double-track and multi-track lines). Our solutions in the field of fracturing automation are the most developed: – we have developed an optimization mathematical model for building train schedules, which can be used in many software applications for transportation planning and scheduling (see details here);
– development of technologies for the operation of station complexes and management of passenger flows at railway stations.
– development of methods for managing the capacity of railway infrastructure.
The most important research works conducted by the department:
- “Typical technological process of stations”,
- “Research and development of methods for standardization of shunting work with reducing the cost of fuel and energy resources on the railways of Ukraine”,
- “Development of feasibility study and program for reforming the passenger economy of the railways of Ukraine”,
- “Development of technology for servicing the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine at the level of railway stations”,
- “Research and development of the concept, technology and organizational structure for the establishment of a logistics center for the railways of Ukraine”,
- “Development of technology for operational management of local work at the level of directorate in terms of automation”,
- “Development of requirements for determining the regulatory number of personnel for the organization of transportation and current maintenance of railway infrastructure”,
- “Development of classification of railway directions into infrastructure categories according to technical and operational characteristics”,
- “Formation of a set of universal models, the implementation of which ensures the rational organization of freight flows on the railway transport network”,
- “Management of a fleet of freight cars of various forms of ownership on the road network”,
- “Development of requirements for determining the regulatory number of personnel for the organization of transportation and current maintenance of railway infrastructure”,
- “Development of a method for determining the rational relationship between the capacity of car flows and capacity on railway routes to establish the technical and technological capabilities of the carrier”,
- “Formation of a set of universal models, the implementation of which ensures the rational organization of freight flows on the railway transport network”,
- “Methods of formation of intelligent railway transport systems”,
- “Carrying out experimental automated calculation of the normative schedule of trains”,
- “Development of requirements for planning routes for cars with dangerous goods while minimizing risks in the conditions of the Dnieper Railway”,
- “Methods of formation of intelligent railway transport systems”,
- “Carrying out experimental automated calculation of the normative schedule of trains”,
- “Development of automated technology of local work on the basis of contact schedule formation”,
- “Development of automated technology for operational regulation of passenger trains”,
- “Improving the procedure for building a train schedule based on automation”,
- “Research and development of the Rules of equal access to the infrastructure of public railway transport”,
- “Development of a manual for studying the Rules of technical operation of railway transport of industrial enterprises.”
The department invites everyone to take part in the conference “Intelligent Transport Technologies” and share their research and achievements in the field of improving transport technologies.
Postgraduate studies work effectively at the department and training of the highest grade is carried out. Modern scientific school is aimed at research and solving the problem of resource conservation in the organization of the transportation process, which ensures the competitiveness and high manufacturability of railway transport.